Im sorry....

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Billy sits in his wheelchair on the porch, surrounded by the pack, including Emily.  They wait anxiously. Me and Bella get out the car.  She hurriedly climbs out. While I move slowly searching for Embry. As she reaches the porch a loud yell of excruciating pain emanates from inside the house; Jacob. Bella flinches, feeling the pain herself. They all do. It's all Billy can do to keep it together. Emily, next to him, puts an arm around his shoudlers. I noticed Embry and rush to his side hugging him. He holds me close to him.  Quil looks at us. " It's been going on for a while."Embry looks as if he'd cry. " Doc's rebreaking his bones." I couldn't imagine the pain he must be in right now. Bella reacts to the horror of that. Leah paces. "Why'd he have to butt in? I could've taken that tick..." I growl " He saved you cause your family Leah. You guys are a pack. Your supposed to look out for each other. So just give it a rest, Leah." She goes silent. We all spin toward the front door as it opens Carlisle exits with Sam. Carlisle looks at us all. " The worst is over. He'll be alright. " Billy exhales heavily, tears threatening. Sam puts a hand on Billy's shoulder. Emily wraps an arm around Sam's waist. " I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip." Billy smiles at him. "Thank you." Carlisle looks at Bella. "He's asking for you."  They all look at her. A combination of pleading – "don't hurt him" – and threatening – "if you hurt him"  She enters in the house. I stay with Embry who needs a friend.

"Are you okay Em?" I asked rubbing his arm. He frowned. "I feel his pain Alaska. Even though I wasn't the one to get hurt I can feel everything he is." I sigh hugging him. " I'm sorry Em. At least you know he's going to be okay." He nods as we walk towards Bella's truck. "Thank you for coming. I really needed the support from a...." " Friend?" I finish with a grin. He gives me a small smile."So, when is the uh, wedding?" I shrug. "Not sure now that Bella is also getting married. We have to plan a lot more now and what knows, we might do a double wedding." We lean against the car awkward now. " Right, well I wish you a happy life with him Alaska. " I smile at him. " New beginnings?" I ask. He grins. "New beginnings." I sigh and touch his face gentle giving him one last kiss. He looks at me shocked. "Its a kiss goodbye. In a few months I'll be a married woman and who knows, you might have another girl in your life." I hug him tight. " Your the only girl for me." He whispers. Bella comes out. " Time to go." I smile rubbing his head. He playfully shoves me. I hope in the truck. "Don't be a stranger." He calls as we drive away. "Never." I whisper back knowing only he heard me...

The grass is a welcoming, rich green. The wild flowers are in bloom. The light is low. Luminescent. The waterfall flows smoothly. I look through a wedding planner book. Jasper kisses my neck and face not leaving me to think. "How about August twelfth? Edward and Bella are getting married on  August thirteenth? It just a day before there wedding?" Jasper twirls my hair "Yeah But we won't be there for thier wedding. And I know how close you are to Edward." I sigh closing the book frustrated. " I don't know then. There's no way around this! Unless we do a double wedding!" Jasper jumps on me laying me under him. " There's no rush darling. Quick Stressing." He gives me a small kiss. " What's wrong with a double Wedding?" He asks. " Nothing, I just don't want to have anyone feel like their not special. A wedding is a very special thing for a person. This is all I've dreamed about growing up." I smile at the thought. " The gown and music. Picturing myself walk down the runway to the person I love tying myself to them for the rest of my life?"  He smiles at me again. " That's one of the things I love about you. You're always trying to make everyone else happy. But you're already giving away too much Alaska. " I laugh and push him turning around pushing him down. Now he's laying on the ground and I'm sitting on him. " You're wrong. This wasn't a choice between you and Embry. It was between who I should be and who I am.  I've always felt out of step. Like literally, stumbling through my life. I'm never felt normal. Because I'm not normal. I don't wanna be. I've had to face death... ... and loss and pain. But, I've also never felt stronger. Because it's my world, too. It's where I belong. This is who I am."  Jasper sits up wrapping his arms around my waist. "So , it's not just about me."  I laugh at him. " No, sorry."  I wrap my arms around his neck, looking into his eyes. "I've made a mess trying to figure all this out, but... I wanna do it right." I kiss him. "Starting with a amazing double wedding." I laugh. I stand up. " Now, let's go talk with Edward and Bella." I pull him up with me.  The light which reflects off the flowers, giving the blossoms a warm, magical glow. It is against this beautiful, romantic backdrop that I kiss Jasper before looking at my ring on my finger... where it will stay for eternity... For this was my new life....My new beginning....

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