Kiss me

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He had his hand around my neck squeezing tightly. I gasped trying to get any type of air. Laurent smiled at me baring his fangs. "This will only hurt a little bit"  he whispered in my ear. Behind him I caught a glimpse of my family watching us not saying a word. "Help me!" I whispered tears spilling down my face. "At last, the snowflake melts...." Aghh-

"Alaska!" I shot straight up, tears falling down my face. I looked up to see Jasper staring at me. I felt a wave of calm hit me all of a sudden. "Thank you" I whispered wiping my face. He gave me a tiny smile squeezing my hand. "Nightmare?" I nodded. "I-I have nightmares about him. The guy who almost killed me two days ago I was telling you about..." I put my knees up to my face hiding in them. "Did i mention my sister Irina stuck up for him and not me saying it was my fault." 

It was silent for a minute before Jasper spoke. "It's not your fault and It hurt me to see you like this and not be able to help ease you..." He grabbed my hand again and lifted my face to meet his. "I'm sorry your hurting Alaska...."

 Our eyes locked on each other, staring deeply into each other's eyes.  Jasper started to lean in....Somehow, we always managed to almost kiss. But this time I looked away. "What's wrong?" He frowned.  "Your what's wrong, I can't tell if you like me or not, and it's making me question myself." I explained. He chuckled a little and pulled me into him kissing me. His lips were cold and soft. I ran my tongue along his fangs feeling the sharpness of it. I smiled pulling away catching my breath. My cheeks hot. "I'm sorry, I forgot you still needed air." I giggled blushing. He moved a strain of hair behind my ear smiling. "I do like you, I'm just scared Im going to hurt you." I grabbed his hand. It was good to know it wasn't me and just a fear of hurting me. "I'm always going to get hurt, I'm human. But I know you'd never hurt me intentionally Jasper." I kissed his cheek and laid back down. 

"Lay with me?" He smiled and laid beside me. I sat up and moved to his chest holding his hand. I felt complete. I yawned ready to fall back to sleep now. 

I closed my eyes. "Alaska?" Jasper whispered "Hmm?" I mumbled. "Do you wanna-" he paused. "Never mind" he sighed. I grinned knowing what he was going to ask and it made me happy. "Hey, Jasper?" I smiled still with my eyes closed. "Hmm?" he humbed rubbing my head.  I yawned again. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" It was silent for what seemed like hours. "Yes" he whispered just as I fell asleep.


I hear the alarm go off an open my eyes slowly. Jasper was still here watching me sleep. I sat up and smiled yawning. Jasper grinned at me. "What?" I asked with another yawn. "Your beautiful in the morning." He moved a piece of my hair behind my ear and leaned in kissing me. I pulled away and jumped up. He pouted and fell backwards on the bed sighing. "Not until I brushed my teeth! Morning breath." I laughed covering my mouth. "Fine to me" he mumbled. I laughed and went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth real quick putting my hair in a ponytail. "Can you bring me my makeup on the table!" I yelled to Jasper. He was next to me in a flash with my bag. I grabbed it and stood on my tippy toes giving him a peck on the lips. "Thank you"  He grinned at me and gave me another kiss. "Finish getting ready while I go change my clothes." He walked out my room shutting the door behind him. I put on mascara and some dark red lipstick.

I went to my closet and touched all the new clothes in it. It was bigger than my last closet. I always loved shopping. I decided to wear a pair of black stretchy jeans and a gray half top sweater. I matched it with a short leather jacket and a pair of cute high heel boots.

I slipped on my rings from my sisters and grab a purse and headed down the stairs. I looked around the room and saw Alice sitting on the couch with Mason talking, Rose and Emmett with Edward talking in a corner. "Morning!" Esme smiled at me handing me a plate with avocado toast. She smiled at me kissing my cheek. "You look beautiful, good luck at school." I smiled sitting at the table. "Thank you, Esme." I smiled back at her. She was just too sweet to me.I took a bite of it and grinned. It was really good for a vampire who can't taste food. 

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