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I saw nothing. Felt nothing. And then-
I threw up water, coming to. "Alaska? Can you hear me?" I fell back onto the sand sucking in fresh air. "Embry?" I focus, finally seeing him hovering over me, I look over and see Bella wake chatting with Jacob. I sigh in relief. Behind him stands Sam. "She'll be alright." Sam looks out at the water, scanning it.  "What the hell were you thinking?" Embry asks me angry now. " I needed... We needed to see... something." I stutter. "What? The pearly gates? If we hadn't heard, your scream-" Sam cuts him off. " Get her home. I'm heading to the hospital. I'll meet you there. You too Jake. " They both nod.

 Sam jogs off. "Why would you jump? Didn't you notice it's like a hurricane out here" Embry asks us. I look at Bella. She sighs. " I know. It was stupid --" Wait...,,,,,,,,, " Sam said hospital - someone's hurt?" I ask them. Jake and Em share a look. "Harry Clearwater had a heart attack. " I frown "Oh my God - does my dad know?" Bella asks. Jake nods. "He and my dad are both over there." Embry helps me up and we start walking. " Will Harry be, okay?" I ask. Embry sighs. " I don't know. Come on. I'll find you something dry and drive you home." Bella and me walk to the car the boys hand us jackets. Jake is with Bella taking her home while I'm heading to my home with the Cullen's, Embry's driving. I hug the fleece jacket but still shivers. Embry pulls me close, wrapping an arm around me. "Hundred and eight degrees over here." He smirks. I tuck myself into him cuddling.

The truck pulls up to the curb. It's pitch-black outside. Embry still holding me close as he shuts the engine off. "You really scared me Alaska. I thought you were going to die..." he frowns. "I'm sorry, I just had to do it" I smile, and we get closer. "What is this really?" Embry asks. I shrug. "I don't know, but I do know is that i want you-" I kiss him pulling him against me. He removes my jacket and then my shirt. I nibble on his ear earning a growl. I lay on top of him nipping at his neck. 

Is my first time really about to be in a car? Right as he goes for my bra the door opens. I yelp covering myself. "Tanya?!" I yell my cheeks turning red. Kate steps next to her. "Well little sister. Looks like you've been busy?" I look at Embry and groan.

I sit on the sofa while Embry is in the kitchen. Tanya and Kate get off the phone with Alice. "Alice is coming here with Bella." Tanya sighs. They both look at me eyeing my up and down. "What?" I ask them. 

I know there not judging me. "Alaska, we thought you were dead! Mom and Dad were freaking when they heard Alice's vision." Tanya explains. I bite my lip. I didn't mean to scare my family.... "And Jasper...." They share a look going silent. "What? Spit it out Kate!" I stand up. "He was there when Alice told us.... He wanted to come but Mom said no. He should be calling-'' The phone rang. I ran to it. But when I got there Embry had hanged up. "Why did you hang up! That was Jasper!" I yelled angry. He also looked upset. "Alaska, leave me be...." He growled. "What did he say!?" I yelled. "He didn't ask for you! He asked for Kate. I told him she was busy." He got closer to me grabbing my hand. I pulled away. "No, how could you! I wanted to speak to him!" I shouted. ''What so he can leave you again? Leave you broken so I'd have to pick up the pieces again? What happened that night I found you in the rain huh? When you wanted me to kiss the pain away?" He had me backed into a corner now. "You pushed me away and I came back...I always come back to you..." He sighed. "Alaska!" I looked at Alice and Bella. Everyone looked panicked. "What?" I asked going to them. ''Its Edward. And Jasper." Bella frowns. Alice takes my hands. "Edward called to confirm if Bella and you were alive when Jasper told him what happened. Jacob told him they were planning a..... funeral." My heart drops. How could he!  "And Jasper, he thinks you're dead too. They're going to the Voltari. They want to die to..." I look at Bella. We both share the same look. We have to save them.

No one's Pov
Edward stands in the center of the room, stock still, staring out at the rising sun. His face is as empty and desolate as Bella's was after he left. A cell phone on the table rings jarringly. He doesn't move. It continues. Finally, he whips the receiver to his ear, exasperated. "What" he sighs." Did you hear." Jasper asks. "Hear what?" Edward asks. "The girls- Alice had a vision. She saw them - - throw themselves off a cliff... There- dead, Edward." Jasper says in pain. Even though he doesn't believe it either. Edward reels, uncomprehending. "I... don't believe it." Jasper sighs. "Neither do I. But Alice is there now. Thought she could help with the funeral or something. I- I don't have the strength Edward " Edward looks outside. "I-" he has no words. The phone disconnects. Jasper looks at the picture he took from Alaska and his room. A picture of them at her birthday. He doesn't even realize he crushed the phone. 

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