Chapter 27: Expect the Unexpected

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Dedicated to Robin. She made my day, she started reading my story a week ago and voted for almost every chapter on it :') My emotions, I couldnt control my mad yelling and happy dancing around !!!! <3

-Jameelahs POV-

Prod and I had walked back into the hotel room hand in hand. As soon as we walked in the atmosphere changed. Everyone had been talking and laughing and as soon as we walked in everyone just stopped. The silence was deafening. "You lot have a knack of going silent whenever I'm around." I joked, trying to break the ice.

"Last time we were silent around you, you were dying Jay Jay." Ray said with a faint crack at a smile.

"She wasnt dying Ray, she fainted." Shay said shaking her head. They were sitting together, when I looked at them both I saw what Steph had meant about them suiting each other. They were both goofy as hell and always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. I couldnt help but smile at the way Shay's long braids were hanging next to Ray's two. I went to flash a look at Skye to share that, but she wasnt there.

"Where's Skye?" I asked

"Her and Prince went to get some air." Steph said. "Prince hates it when there's fights or animosity as he calls it." At the word 'fight' everyone in the room looked at Prod and Roc, they were both steadily ignoring each other.

I looked at Shayla for help. "Are you guys gonna throw silent tantrums or are we gonna enjoy Jameelah's last day in DC?"  I covered my face. Only Shay. "Lets watch a film or something."

"Paranormal Activity." Steph suggested. "I brought it with me." No one argued with her so we ended up setting it up on the laptop. We were going to watch it on the big TV but there was no DVD player. Ray put the laptop on the coffee table and we had ended up all squashing up on the sofa to watch it.
I sat on Prods lap so there was room for Ray Ray and Shayla to sit next to each other on the sofa.  The movie was long and drawn out in my opinion, Shay found it scary, or maybe she just used the parts where the couple in the film sensed a 'presence' to bury her face in Ray's chest. I wasnt phased by the movie at all. I spent most of it playing Temple Run and some puzzle game called Flow on Prods phone. 
The movie was just coming to an end when the girl in the film, I think her name was Katie, looked up at the camera slyly before lunging for it right at the moment Prince and Skye decided to walk in. Steph screamed and Roc cursed loudly. Ray grabbed hold of Shay and Prod dropped his phone in shock. I just started laughing.

"Damn y'all." Skye said "You seen a ghost or something?"

"Actually it was just the movie. The way the girl jumped at the end scared us because you walked in at the same damn time." Ray explained. My phone rang. I knew it was my phone because the ring tone was Mrs Right. "Ayee!!" Ray exclaimed with a huge grin.

I smiled. "Its only like that because it's my friend..." I stopped for a second. The only time my phone rang like that was when Rinaa called me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Jameelah!! You picked up! You answered it!!" It was Rinaa. Over excited and crazy as always.

"Why wouldnt I answer it?" I asked her. She fell silent for a moment. I knew she was thinking about our last conversation. "Rinaa?" I cleared my throat. "I've got someone here who you might want to talk to." I put her on loud speaker and motioned for Princeton to come over to where we were sitting. I looked round.

Like he read my mind Ray was like "Ayo wassup it's your boy Ray Ray."

Roc leaned his head back. "Wassup it's Roc Royal"

"Hey hey, It's Prodigy" Prod said speaking over my shoulder

"and yours truly Princeton." Prince said smiling "and we are Mindless Behavior" They all said the group name in unison.

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