Chapter 33: Closure

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HiThis chapter is dedicated to Kelice because asdfghjkl her comments just made me spazz so hard omg like I fangirled and laughed till I was weak. I was actually crying but hey guess what? Im starting to wrap this book up!!! Its almost over !!! Phuck yeah, Im happy.

P.s This chapter is about to be long as hell so I hope y'all read it to the end ....


"Okay Skye I understand where you were coming from now hospital life isnt easy." I said making a face at my ipod. I was finally allowed electronics and I was facetiming with Skye.

"See, when I was in hospital you were like 'suck it up Skye.' or 'you're tougher than old boots Skye you can get through this'" She stuck her tounge out.

"Shuttup, hows school?" I asked her trying to change the subject.

"Its great, wanna say hi to Shay?" She asked.

""Yeah sure, you with her?" I asked looking at the clock. "Skye are you in school?!" I exclaimed.

Her face re appeared, "yeah. English class"

"Do your work before Miss Harrison kills you." I said shaking my head.

"I've done it and we have a substitute teacher, thats why I called you, I wanted to check on my English muffin." She smiled widely.

I made the straightest face ever. "English muffin? Skye, really?" She just shrugged. "I cant believe you actually facetiming me during school."

"What can I say? Im different-" She was interrupted by someone yelling 'Pull up to the scene with my ceiling missing." "Shay your face will be missing in a second, shut up."

I heard Shay's voice. "You the one talking to yourself over there, broke nigga please be quiet."

I laughed. "I miss you lot man."

"I know you miss me the most." Skye said with a smile. I shook my head at her. "Anyways I gotta go before the bell rings and this teachers realises-"

"Okay Skye, call me when you get home then." I said. She blew a kiss and I pressed the end call button, still shocked at her braveness. Ive heard of people on the phone or texting during class but never ever facetiming. She didnt even get caught. I honestly dont know how Skye gets away with being Skye sometimes. Grace walked in pushing her food trolley to collect my empty dishes from lunch.

"Whats wrong with you Jameelah? You left half of your food." Grace said picking my tray up carefully.

"Sorry Grace I got my phone back this morning so-"

"Its okay, you dont have to worry, I understand." She laughed. "You're recovering so fast, I wont be surprised if they discharge you next week."

"I hope so, I hate it here." I said wrinkling my nose. "Oh, wait, no offence." I said, realising how tactless I must have sounded.

"Dont worry about it Jameelah, I cant imagine how you feel, being cooped up in here all day." She looked around.

"I'd give anything for a walk." I said looking out the open window. The sun was shining and although the only thing I could see out of my window was a small strip of grass and a sidewalk, I felt like I was sitting in hell staring at a portal straight through to heaven.

"They got you plugged into anything?" Grace said eyeing me suspiciously. I shook my head slowly. "Well if you wanna stretch your legs a bit then you could come with me on the lunch round." I was out of bed before she had even finished the sentence. She laughed. "Come on then, but we are only going collecting plates and trays, dont get too excited."

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