Chapter 31: Showdown

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For Ty. Simply because of all the London Slang it has in it lmfao. 

Anyway, this is ittttt. The one you have aaaaallll been waiting for *Dramatic Music Plays*  



I just stood there, blinking at Latrice not knowing what to say. I thought facing Prod earlier had been hard. This was way worse. Something about the way Latrice was smirking made me want to grab her by her dusty weave, drag her outside, down the corridor and throw her down the stairs. The only thing stopping me was the fact that I didnt have a stitch of clothing on under this towel and all it would take a small tug in the wrong place to embarass me forever. 

"What do you want?" I spat furiously  

"Just came to congratulate you on how well you handled everything today." Latrice smiled silkily.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I snarled. She knew exactly what she was doing. Making me mad, knowing I wouldnt, couldnt, do anything in retaliation.  

"My aunt works here remember, taking her keys was all too easy." She ran a single manicured finger over her lips and then smiled at me, making me clench my own fingers with bitten stubs for nails into fists. 

"I dont know what you're talking about." Scheming little sket. "But I need to get dressed. So if you wouldnt mind-" 

"I have a few things to say." I raised my right fist. Latrice smiled and mimed undoing a knot then moved over and sat on my bed, transferring a necklace I was planning to wear to the floor. I exhaled sharply but stayed put. She gave a light, tinkling laugh and ran a hand over her sleek freshly straightened ponytail. "Thats a good Jemima." This bitch has 10 seconds before I beat the shit out of her. Embrassment or no embarassment. Fuck a fucking towel. "I wanted to apologise to you for having to find out about Prod and I the way you did." Ten. "It really wasnt my intention" Nine. "See, we used to date way back in the day and when I saw y'all arrive it was like an old spark got re ignited." Eight. "I tried to tell him that it was no used picking up where we left off." Seven. Oh let me slap her. "Im sorry to say he wasnt having any, I dont know if you noticed but he is quite persistent when he wants something." Six. I dont even care if the bitch exposes me."I guess he chose his moment wrong." Five. I will slump this sket, I swear to God. "He moved in to kiss me and I just didnt know what to do." Four. "I mean, he is an amazing kisser, I just couldnt push him off." Pause. Something clicked in my brain. 

"You a fucking liar because I saw you kiss him first. Yeah thats right bitch. I saw. Not sure what possed your recycled vagina to come up here but Imma need you to take your used self out off my room before I shank you with my room key. Slag." I kissed my teeth.  

Latrice blinked for a moment, trying to make sense of the tirade of slang that makes perfect sense in London, but sounded like another language to the rest of the world. "You talk like you bad, but if you were really about it you wouldve kick my ass a long time ago." I couldnt even reply. She had a point. She knew it too. As mad as I got, I don't have it in my to cause a fight, to hurt someone else. She flashed me another smile as if to say; yup one for me. She definately had me there. She got up and blew me a kiss. "See you at the party later Sweetie. Thats if youre going?" She said with a fake giggle.  

It wasnt my original intention to go but now she mentions it. I might as well pass through. "I wouldnt miss it for the world Sket." I simpered in a false high pitched voice. 

"Aw, Sket!! What a cute nickname." She said before skipping out happily. 

Dumb bitch. Her new 'Nickname' was used by boys all over London to describe girls who opened their legs to just about everybody. I shook my head and continued getting ready.  

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