Chapter 22: Consequences

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Dedicated to Jade for always replying to my messages and statuses and for finally letting me know she's a silent reader lmfao ^.^ Silent readers kill me, I love to know what you think of the story....speak up?

I followed Ms Wilkinson through twisting corridors and up a few flights of stairs. My head was thumping. Although Principle Hayes was kind to me on my first day, I didnt think she was as kind to people who caused fights in corridors. I looked at Skye, she was walking as if she was on a catwalk. Placing one foot in front of the other and smiling, swinging her hips like Beyonce and staring forwards like Naomi Campbell. I shook my head at her, my palms were already sweating like mad. We got to Principle Haye's office and Mr Hughes knocked three times on the door. We waited for a second. Then Gillian, Principle Haye's PA opened the door. "Ive got Amelia Jameson and Jameelah Carltoni to see Principle Hayes." Ms Wilkinson said

"Was that about the fight?" One thing I had learned fast about Gillian is, the woman didnt know how to be discreet. She'd blurt anything out and told anyone everyone's business by accident. It was a miracle that Principle Hayes had her as a PA. "Okay come through, Principle Hayes is waiting for you."

She led us through a small room where a desk and a couple armchairs sat surrounded by bookcases and filing cabinets. Then into Principle Hayes' private area, she was sitting there with her hands together, finger tips joined as if she was praying. "Thank you Ms Wilkinson, Amelia and Jameelah please sit." I sat down quickly but Skye stayed standing. Skye, sit down I silently begged her with my eyes. I'd been in a fair few fights of my own in London and knew from experience that once you get sent to the heads office; shit was about to get real. "Something wrong Amelia?"

"Yeah, the name. My name is Skye." Skye said folding her arms across her chest. My breathing became erratic. Principle Hayes had a no bullshit policy and I could see Skye was pushing her.

"Amelia is what I have on your file so Amelia is what I shall call you." Principle Hayes said coldly. "Now sit." Skye sat. I breathed normally again. All Devante's talks to me about staying under the radar at school and behaving myself and not standing out to anyone had completely gone out the window and I hoped and prayed that I wasnt about to be expelled. For his sake if not for mine. "I know you two are aware that something very serious went on about 8 minutes ago down the corridor." She swivelled her chair around and pressed a button on the TV behind her head. "I'd like for y'all to watch this. No comments until the end please." Out of the plain black lines jumped a glorious technicolor version of Danny and Skye's fight. I watched as Skye lunged for Danny and slammed him to the floor. I saw the crowd of people gather and I watched as Skye repeatedly bash Danny's face against the floor. I looked over at Skye and she was looking all over the room except at the screen. I wondered if she was regretting her actions. I looked back at the screen just in time for me to see Skye spit at Danny and walk off arm in arm with me. Principle Hayes stopped the tape. "Do you girls have anything you want to say?"

"Dang." Skye said. "I should have carved my name into his cheek so when he walked round with those bruises everyone knew I did it."

I gasped. Principle Hayes narrowed her eyes. "You realise that after that statement you no longer have a future at this school?"

"In that case." Skye stood up. "Fuck you, your school and oh um, feel free to pass my address and telphone number to Mr Hughes; I always thought he was a fine piece of ass."

My mouth fell open. Skye opened the door calmly and sauntered out. "Miss, I-" I wanted to say something to save Skye. I knew chances of her redeeming herself were slim but she's my friend, I had to try for her. "She didnt mean it I-"

Principle Hayes held up a hand for silence and I immediately pressed my lips together. "Jameelah, you seem like such a nice girl. A little firey but thats not a big deal, I understand that you didnt have very much to do with what happened today-"

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