Chapter 13: A Different Way To Say The Same Thing

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Dedicated to Mandii because she helped and explained a few things to me in order for me to write this chapter. So this is in return for my questions ^.^ lol xx

Once again I hope you enjoy comment and vote ^.^

-Prods POV-

Taking my rest during a pre-show work out session I sat down on the bench letting the loud music and the whirring machinery blur around me as my thoughts focused in on one person. I miss her. I miss her brown skin, I miss the feel of her silky curly hair. I miss her cute little smile and the way she looks down when she's embarrassed. I miss the way she strokes the back of her Ipod when shes listening to it and furrows her brow when she's concentrating. 

Its been just over a month since I last saw her. I literally think about her all the time.  

Its weird because I only spent a couple week with this girl yet she crosses my mind almost everyday. Ray tells me I'm sprung and Prince says its 'frisson' something scientific thats supposed to be like positive friction, but between humans. Keisha tells me its just good old fashioned love and Walter wont stop teasing me. Everyone tells me different things and everyone has given me different ways to describe how I feel but I still cant define it myself. The only other time I felt anything like this was the first time me and the boys went on tour and I couldnt see my family. I missed them like crazy and my dad ended up flying out to one of the shows so he could see me and spend some time with me before we went back on the road. 

Somebody tapped my shoulder drawing me out of my crazy confused thoughts. It was Roc. He sat beside me on the bench. "Listen man. You've been real quiet recently. Well youre always quiet but now your mega quiet. We hardly get 4 words outta you and when you do speak without being spoken to, you talk about Jameelah. You need to tell her how you feel." He said all in one breath "tell her how you feel and soon" He repeated before getting up "You really need to" He stressed "really soon too. She needs to know. Plus." He said grinning "We want the old Prod back" He walked a few paces and turned back "Even Ray's wondering whats up, but dont tell him I told you that because he still hasnt forgiven either of us" 

I chuckled to myself as Roc walked back into the gym. He never gave good advice, apart from when it comes to relationships. Its like he just knows how to handle everything. I shouldve thought to go to him before.  

I pulled my bag out from under the bench and searched it for my phone. I pulled it out, went into the corridor and called Jameelah. Her phone rang for ages before going to voicemail. I frowned. She always answers her phone. I tried again. This time the phone went straight to voicemail. I left her a message and hung up. I was just starting to wonder why Jameelah hadnt answered her phone when a call came through. Chris Brown, With You filled the hallway, I smiled then answered "Hi"

"Hey, wassup" She asked. She didnt sound like she was fully concentrating. There was a whole lot of noise in the background.

"Nothing really me and the boys are just doing some pre-show work out, Im on break though." I said while trying to hear what was going on her end. The noise was pretty confusing but I narrowed it down to talking, laughter and some strange clunking "Jameelah, where are you?" I asked her, still trying to make sense of the noise.

"The bowling alley" She replied "With some people from school"

"School?" I asked. I didnt know she'd started school already.

"Yeah didnt I tell you?" She said, then she giggled "Okay Im coming!!" She lowered her voice a bit "Prod, I'll try and call you later, I gotta go"

"You cant call me later, we got a show" I said, a little irritated. I felt like she was slowly beggining to forget about me

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