Chapter 25: Arse vs Ass

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Dedicated to Kerris. This girl gave me the nicest compliment !!!!!!!! I literally smiled all week because of it <3 I'm so glad you like my writing hun ^.^

As for the name of this chapter .... lmfao it's temporary until I can come up with something better ._. lol x

Jameelah's POV
I am so hungry!! I was too worked up and upset to eat this morning because between all my attempts to get Devante to stay and travelling to the airport I forgot to eat. I had tried every trick in the book to get him to stay; Bribing, crying and good old fashioned begging. None of them worked. I almost had him when I cried, I saw him weaken and he wavered for a second, but in the end he decided that he really should go. We had stayed at the airport until his flight left and now we were back at the hotel the boys were staying in. I miss him already but for now the rumbling in my stomach has me thinking of nothing but food.

"Everything okay?" Princeton touched my arm.

I nodded silently. I was about to answer him when Prod said. "She's fine. Just hungry."  looking at me with a small smile on his face. I shook my head and grinned.

"How do you do that?" Prince scratched his head. "I dont understand you two."

Ray laughed. "Thats what happens when you're sprung. You'll understand if you ever get a girl." Prince looked furious and opened his mouth to respond but Keisha spoke over him.

"Ray!" Keisha warned walking into the room. Ray looked down like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Keisha tutted and said, "I just realised, its the last day in D.C and none of y'all have been shopping."

Princeton got up, looking mortified. "We have to go shopping!"

"I swear you act like a chick sometimes." Roc said shaking his head and putting his phone away.

"Try, all the time." Ray mumbled.

"At least I dont look like a girl Ray Ray." Prince said gesturing to his braids.

"Dont be mad that you have to straighten your curls to get them like this." Ray ran a hand down his right braid.

I shook my head laughing at how dumb they sounded.

"Do you guys ever stop arguing?" Keisha sounded so stressed. Ray stuck his tongue out at Princeton and Keisha left, shaking her head.

"I need to go and get my backpack." Ray ran out of the room.

"I need food before I pass out." I said getting up and going over to the phone.

"I want room service!!" Prod whined. "Do we have to go shopping?"

"Then stay here!! I must go shopping" Prince said running out the room with a hand to his forehead as Roc burst out laughing.

"You go on your own Prince, Shopping is a struggle and I cant be bothered." Roc called after him walking over to the TV. "Or take Ray Ray with you!!!"

Prince ran back. “NOOO Ray Ray can stay here with you lot!!!”  He ran off again.

Ray came back into the room. "Does this mean I went and got my bag for nothing?" He threw it down on the floor and walked over to the tv. "Who wants a game of Black Ops?"

"I want fooooood" I whined.

"Hey," Prod wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hows about food and then a tour?"

"Of what?" I laughed "The suite aint that big"

"The whole hotel then?" He said laughing

"As long as I eat first." I kissed his cheek. "I'm good with whatever."

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