Chapter 8: Opening Up

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Dedicated to Chanta, our little talk via inbox still makes me smile. I'm so glad you like my stories :')
I am going to switch POV's in this chapter:D We are finally going to see a bit of the story through Prods eyes .... I hope you like it! Comment, vote, fan and all that good stuff <3 you know I love you all <3

-Prods POV-
I had just arrived at the park. I walked towards the swings and sat down, trying not to think about how hurt I would be if Jameelah didnt show up. She didnt quite seem herself on the phone earlier, I thought we had finally got past that wall she had up from the first day we met but then she shut me out again. I had really enjoyed being with her these past two weeks, it didnt seem like I was so far away from home when I was with her. She's amazing. I took Jameelah to the last interview we had, on a radio station in North London and she got on so well with everyone, she seemed geniuinely interested in everything that was going on and helped out as much as she could throughout the day. She seemed to know exactly what to do without being asked or told.  Prince, Ray, Roc said she was an amazing girl and even Keisha said that I was lucky to have found someone so sweet and down to earth, well Keisha had met her twice before when picking her up and dropping her home after we went out to a restaurant a few days before that interview.
I pushed myself lightly and letting the swing sway me back and forth, I leaned my head against the chain of the swing. What if she didnt come?
Half an hour passed, I watched families come and go, mothers pushing their babies in pushchairs and holding their toddlers hands as they took shaking steps into to the playground and wobbled about everywhere trying to have a go on everything in the park.
Another half hour, the park was starting to clear now, only one family was left, a dad with his son and daughter. The dad was lifting up the little boy playing rocket ships  making wierd 'rocket noises' that sounded more like he had popcorn in his throat than a rocket taking off but the son was delighted by it, squealing and laughing like he didnt have a care, worry or sadness in the world. Then again why should he? The child didnt look any older than 5.....
After about 15 more minutes the dad gave up the popcorn in throat/rocket ship noises and took off home with his son on his shoulder holding his daughters hand. He nodded casually at me as he left. I twitched my lip back at him. I couldnt quite manage a full smile. I looked around, I was the last one left in the park. I shook my head, then stood up.
Well idiot she did say she wasnt coming didnt she? but oh know you had to try and be mister irresistable, sitting up here in this park thinking you so magnetic she'll just be drawn to where you are. Well I guess you got just got proved wrong .
I kicked the frame of the swing set in frustration. Big Mistake. Pain exploded in my big toe, I began cursing rapidly and hopping on one foot like they do in the cartoon. I heard a giggle come from the direction of the gates. I looked, Jameelah was standing there with a short blue puffa jacket and white jeans on, she had her hair loose and it was wonderfully curly.  I straightened up, trying to act like nothing happened and walked over to her, doing my best not to limp.
"I almost thought you werent coming" I said, trying to distract her from my wierd slow walking
"I almost thought I wasnt coming too" She said looking at me. "You alright??"
I should be asking you the same question!" I said to her "You sounded pretty upset on the phone earlier" I finally got to her, but instead of hugging her like I usually do I just stood in front of her and looked at her.
Her eyes were puffy like she'd done loads of crying before she got here and she had a wierd blackish purple mark on her neck and deep cut on her ring finger. She caught me looking and slipped both her hands in her jacket pockets. "What Prod?" She snapped
I looked in her eyes and saw so much pain and a trace of something else I couldnt quite recognise "Jameelah, whats wrong" I asked her, concern welling up inside me
"Dont tell me nothing's wrong, when I can clearly see that everything's worng!!" I yelled at her. I didnt want to yell at her but it was obvious she was hurting, I couldnt understand why she wouldnt talk to me. I made to turn away from her and go to sit on the swings again but I put all my weight on my bad foot and almost fell over but Jameelah's hand flew out and she grabbed my arm and pulled me back into a standing position. "Thanks" I muttered, turning back to face her I began to say "Listen I'm sorry for yelling at you I just-" but stopped when I noticed the tears pouring down her cheeks. I didnt know what to do. Jameelah is so good at hiding emotion, the only this I've ever seen on her face is a smile and a scowl, looking into her eyes is a different story but the tears were pouring down her cheeks and she didnt even attempt to stop them and she didnt make a single sound. "Jameelah?" I wrapped my arms around her tightly. "Jameelah, please dont cry."
I stroked her hair and rocked her gently, i didnt know what to do, I'm not used to having people cry around me and seeing Jameelah cry was hurting my heart. She coughed a bit and said "I'm sor-sorry Pr-Prod, this must be har-hard for you."
I hugged her tighter "Dont worry, are you gonna tell me why your crying?" She shook her head on my shoulder. "Why not?" I asked her
"I dont want t-to burden you" She said sniffing
"Its not a burden, Jameelah, I wanna know maybe I can make it better" I said softly
She sighed heavily. "You may have to sit down for this one" She helped me walk back to the swing and I sat down, I thought she would take the swing beside me but she didnt, she sat on my lap. I was a little shocked but didnt say anything, instead I just placed my arms around her middle and waited for her to talk to me, but she didnt say anything.
I moved my leg a bit. "Jameelah?"
"I will tell you Prod, just give me a second okay, I have never told anyone this story before and its gonna be hard for me, but I think you need to know. Besides I'm tired of keeping it in, it hurts" She took a deep breath "It all started when I was 5 and my dad left......"

Okaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!!! What did you guys think of this? This is really just a foundation for my next chapter ...... I enjoyed writing it and I will do a lot more chapters through other characters eyes :3

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