Chapter 28: This Complicates Things

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Dedicated to Kiara because she read my book in two days and voted for every chapter as she went. I was just like *clutches chest* how sweet!!! I'm glad you like my book ^.^

Can you believe I havent updated this since last year?? ._____.

-Jameelah's POV-

I lay curled up on my bunk on the tour bus with my ipod on my lap. I wasnt listening to it, I just had there for comfort. We had just started an 5 an a half hour drive to Los Angeles and I was tired and had a headache. I closed my eyes and started to think. It had been two weeks since we had left D.C. Since then I'd been along to 4 radio interviews and 2 shows and way more rehearsal sessions than I cared to count. I never imagined that living the 'famous' lifestyle was this much work, I was exhausted and I was barely doing anything. As my mind wandered further, my thoughts drifted over to Devante, I wondered what he was doing now he was back in London. I hadnt heard from him since he told me his plane landed...

"Jay Jay." Ray say loudly sitting next to me with a loud thump.  I opened my eyes. Shocked out a sleep I didnt realise I was having. "Wake up."

"I'm not sleeping." I mumbled, stifling a yawn with the back of my hand.

"Yes you are." Ray said crossing his arms.

"Maybe a little" I said closing my eyes again but Ray poked my side. "What?"

"A little?" Ray asked me with a small smile. "You know that made no sense right? Only sleeping a little." He shook his head "Can I ask you something?" He asked suddenly, I then sat up nodding. He fiddled with his thumb for a moment. "What kind of things does Shayla like?"

I was taken aback by his question. It was really unexpected. "Why?" I asked him, a grin slowly creeping across my face.

Ray looked around and scratched the back of his head. "No reason..." He said looking at me with a very unconvincing smile on his face. "Okay, fine. I wanted to get her a gift to show her Im thinking of her but I dont really know what to get her and I thought since you two are friends-" I cut him off by laughing loudly. He looked hurt. "I am serious Jay Jay, I dont know what to do."

"Okay, I'm sorry." I said taking a deep breath. "She would be fine with anything you get her, she wouldnt be fussy at all, especially at a gift from you." Then I remembered something Shay had said about her parents always buying her stuff to make her happy and how much she hated it. "Just dont make it too expensive, she wont like that." Ray looked confused at that last part but he smiled at me nevertheless and left. I shook my head for a second and then rolled to the other end of my bed and picked up my notebook, I had been writing in it since we had left D.C. It was like a collection of letters to people who have been in my life at one point. It was a strange thing to do but it kept all my feelings at bay and stopped me from crying myself to sleep. It had been Skye's idea actually, she told me that on the day of her surgery. She had been crying on the phone to me that day, she was so scared. Shay told me that she had even made a public apology in school for being "A unicorn amongst a group of horses" as Shay politely put it on the phone.  I picked up my pencil and went back to the page I had been writing yesterday. I picked up the pencil I had beside it. I was contentedly scribbling away when Prod walked in, it took me a minute to look up but when I did look up and see him he looked like he was thinking hard about something.

I considered him for a second before moving my pillow and shuffling over slightly to give him room to sit down. His face softened and he sat down next to me. I sensed that he didnt really want to talk just yet so I just carried on writing. One thing I love about him is our ability to sit together in companiable silence, we dont necessarily have to be touching each other or talking to each other to feel close. I signed the bottom of the page and went to close the notebook when I noticed a small spelling mistake in the second paragaph. "Prod pass me a rubber." I said re reading the entire thing to make sure I hadnt made any other mistakes.

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