Chapter 30: The Boy Is Mine

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Gotta dedicate this one to Munira, this girl spammed my twitter mentions and my DM's and my comment section asking me to update. Plus she loves oreos ;) She's just freaking awesome okay?:3 asdfghjkl you guys went in with the comments on the last chapter!!!! looool.


Every step I took closer to the hotel made me feel like I was walking closer and closer to the edge of the earth. A wierd thing to compare my sense of foreboding to, but it was a good comparison in my opinion. I mentioned it to Prince as we rounded a corner and he laughed at me. Said I'd make a good voice over artist or radio show host. That kinda broke the ice. I managed to force out a thanks and arrange my features into a smile. 

"Dont worry, everything is gonna be alright." Prince said with a weak smile.

"Thanks Afro Puff, where did those words of wisdom come from?" I smiled weakly. 

"Its something my mum always tells me when Im nervous or scared and you looked like you needed to hear it." He said. I let out a low nervous laugh. "Listen, dont worry about it. Seriously, we have the party later so everyone is probably gonna be busy with last minute stuff anyway, you dont have to talk to either of them if you dont want to."

We got to the glass doors and watched as they slid open revealing the lobby I had run through an hour or so ago. "How come I didnt know about this party?" I asked, feeling curious and slightly left out.

"Ray Ray said he told you ages ago." Prince scratched his head. "He did tell you right?"

"Its Ray Ray." I said to Prince raising my eyebrows.

"Thats true, sorry Jay, its just a small pool party we were having this evening by the outdoor pool at the hotel with some friends, nothing huge and dont worry, you're invited." He laughed.

"Well thanks." I smiled putting my hand over my chest to show him how touched I was. We got to the elevator and Prince pressed the button that called it and I felt a strange tug in my lower stomach. "Um, Prince, I think I'm gonna take the stairs." He smiled understandingly at me and I spun on my heel and walked through a thin white doorway and started up the stairs. It was going to be a long and tiring journey to the fifth floor but I needed a few moments alone to think.


I wasnt sure what had come over me earlier, it was like my whole day was a blur. My mind, my thoughts, usually so calm, clear and collected were now swimming round in a confused jumbled mess. I dont know what I was thinking earlier kissing Latrice like that. As soon as we broke apart I felt guilty. No one saw us but I felt like I had a hundred eyes on me. I couldnt even speak. All I did was look at Latrice and walked away, I went straight upstairs and to my bed where Ive been lying ever since, trying to get my thoughts straight.  

A knock at the door.  

I just looked at it, after a second it opened and Prince walked in. "Prod."  


"Um, just a heads up, Jameelah is coming upstairs. She knows about Latrice and she was pretty upset." He sighed. "Dont worry, Im not gonna get involved with you two, just, a little warning okay?" 

I nodded and flashed him a thumbs up to show him I heard him. He left and I put both hands over my face and sighed. I wanted to prepare myself for what was about to happen, but I had no idea what would happen next. 

After a moment I took my hands off my face and saw Jameelah standing there looking at me. She had her arms folded and she looked as if she had been standing there forever. She had a slight smile on her face like she was lost in thought. 

The moment she saw me looking at her expression changed into one that was impossible to read. I never know what to say to her when shes in this mood. Being really nice annoys her. Being really detached upsets her and being neutral barely gets a response from her. I dont want to make her any more upset than I already have. 

Here goes nothing. "Hi." I said weakly. 

"Dont hi me so casually." She said folding her arms and glaring at me. I sighed. She was angry. This was not about to go well.


I walked into his room and saw him lying down with his hands over his face, he looked so stressed and I want to comfort him, I really do, but I can't I'm mad at him he hurt me. At least I think Im mad. I know Im supposed to be mad but I dont feel a twinge of anger. I just wanted to go over to him and lay beside him, curl into a ball and soak up the heat of his embrace, like I did on the flight to DC. I know exactly what it's like to feel nostalgic about your past. Not that I'm making excuses for him. He shouldn't have kissed her like that.

He moved his hands and I pressed my lips together and folded my arms. "Hi." He said looking like he felt really uncomfortable. 

"Dont hi me so casually." I snapped sounding a lot more venomous than I actually felt.  

"Jameelah please dont be angry." He said softly. 

I'm not angry. I thought. but why on earth do you think I shouldn't be? "Why not? Give me one good reason why I shouldnt be angry." I said calmly shifting my weight onto my left foot. 

"Okay, that was a stupid thing to say, you have every right to be angry." Prod sighed and sat up. At least he knows "Im sorry, earlier, I wasnt thinking, I-" He launched straight into a heartfelt apology. To be honest, I forgave him after the first sentence, but there was something I needed to ask. 

"I want to ask you something." I interrupted.  

"Um, okay" He said sounding slightly nervous.  

"Answer truthfully okay? Dont say what you think I want to hear." I took a deep breath. "When you kissed her-"

"She kissed me."

I silenced him with a glance. "When you kissed. How did you feel inside?"  

He blinked, taken aback my question, obviously taken aback by my question. He thought for a moment, obviously not sure how to answer. "I felt. Strange. A small part of me felt like it was what I wanted, but the rest of me wanted to push her off me because it felt wrong." 

"Okay." I said and walked out. That was all I needed to hear. Nostalgia and not lust drove him back to her, and he didn't make the first move. I went to my room and found my phone. I sent Prince a text

What time does that party start?

His reply came through almost instantly : Every1 should be there by 8. You and Prod sorted?

Sort of. Was my reply. I threw my phone down on the bed. I had three hours. Time for a shower.

I grabbed my shower gel off the dresser and my towel and headed for the bathroom that was attached to my room.

After I got out the shower I dried off and wrapped the towel tightly around my body and then took one from the heated rail and wrapped it around my wet hair. Then I walked back into my room and went over to my suitcase. I bent down to rummage through it, when I heard a light cough behind me. I spun round. Latrice was sitting on my bed with the most evil smirk plastered all over her face.

Silesia is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well ish.

Its been a while since I updated :(

Thoughts? Did she forgive too easily?

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