Chapter 6: Is This A Dream?

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 Dedicated to MariaAde because while I was writing this chapter, wondering if it was worth it, she reminded me that readers will come, writing is what pulls them in  <3 Ose sweetie Ose :P

I woke up shocked out my sleep by the phone ringing. I rolled out of bed and crawled over to the phone at the bottom of my bed. “What?” I said groggily into the receiver.

“Charming!” Devante’s voice came through the phone sounding like a ray of sunshine. I could hear him chuckling. “Why you so moody Meels?”

“Because you woke me up fathead” I said sleepily

“Why are you sleeping? Its like 6o’clock your time!  What about your date?” He asked sounding concerned

“Firstly, its 5:50 my time” I said now wide awake. “Secondly, it is not a date”

He laughed for ages before saying “Yeah whatever squirt! I was just calling to wish you luck on your date” He put extra emphasis on the word date as he knew it would annoy me. I smiled but didn’t respond “Where are you guys going anyway?”

I looked down, “I was planning on going to the small park around the corner from Uncle Luke’s café. That place was always quiet and usually empty after 7 in the evening so I thought it would be a good place to go and so we wouldn’t really be disturbed.” I mumbled.

“Disturbed?” Devante repeated. I could just hear the grin in his voice. “What exactly were you planning on doing in the park Jameelah?” He asked

“Nothing!” I said indignantly “Get your mind out the gutter!!!!”

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” He said, probably still smiling. “Cant wait to see you Meelah, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do!”

I nodded, then remembered he couldn’t see me. “Yeah, yeah we do.” The doorbell rang. “Someone’s at the door. Gotta go Dev.”

“Okay Jameelah bye” I went to put the phone down and I heard “Oh wait Meelah!!!”

“Yeah?” I said.

“Enjoy tonight alright?”

“I will.”

“Accept the butterflies, they’ll be back trust me, don’t fight them, they’ll disappear if you don’t fight them.”

“Alright” I said rolling my eyes

“And don’t forget to call me when you get home Meelah”

I giggled. The doorbell rang again followed by knocking on the door. “Okay Okay speak to you later then Vante” I put the phone down and wriggled out of my duvet. “I’M COMING” I yelled. I grabbed my dressing gown from my desk chair and pulled it on as I ran down the stairs. I looked out of the window next to the front door and saw Rinaa. I opened the door slightly. “What?” I hissed at her through the crack

“Hi” She said brightly smiling at me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her.

“I came to help you get ready.”

“I’ve been dressing myself since age 5 you know Rinaa.” I said to her

“Yeah but not dressing for a date!” She said enthusiastically

“It is not a date and besides I’ve been out with boys before! Stop acting like its such a big deal!” I said very fast. Love her but she’s way more excited about tonight than I am. She seriously needs to chill.

“Ok, well could I have a drink before I go all the way back to the other side of London?” She asked, sweetly batting her eyelashes and pouting.

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