Chapter 20: Keisha's Surprise

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Dedicated to Yemi, who always spazzes out when I update. She also pays mad attention to my hints and predicted most of my plans for the future ^.^ Since she has a mad spazz attack when I update I decided to give her a dedication. Only wish I could do more :( Have a happy time spazzing bew :* lol x

-Jameelahs POV-  

I woke up and rolled over slamming a hand onto my alarm clock. The anoying buzzing ceased immediately. For the first time ever I was dreading going to school. Back in London school was the number one excuse to be out of the house early enough to not see my mother, who was usually still asleep as I left and back late enough to miss my mother leaving to go to some party or some mans house. When I first moved here I didnt mind school because Devante's office hours meant that he had to be at work by 9 and so we leave at the same time, although we go in opposite directions, I get to see him in the mornings. Today however I didnt want to get out of bed or go anywhere at all. All the information I had taken in over the last few days had completely knocked me out. Skye was acting out, I think Shay knows why but they both avoid talking about it. I know that its not good. Same thing with Steph, everytime I ask her why she was so upset that night we slept over at Shay's she just skirts over it. All I know is it had something to do with her house. The way she reacted when we asked her about her home life the next morning made me suspect something was up with one or both of her parents. I cant believe I had escaped a bad situation, only to make friends with people going through what seemed like the exact same thing. It frustrates me that none of them will open up to me, I am making it my personal mission to find out whats-

"Jameelah what are you doing??" Devante said bursting into my room "You are going to make us so late!!"  

"Us?" I said rubbing my eyes "You dont have to wait for me to leave you know"  

"Jameelah, Im not an idiot. When they issued office hours I begged and pleaded for the ones I have now. I know what its like to be 16 you know" He smiled "You seem to forget I was around your age I was here, in law school, alone I might add. No adult supervision....I did the most" He chuckled, obviously reminising. 

"Ugh. Vante, the mental images are not helping dude." I pulled the covers over my head, hoping he'd leave and let me wallow in my thoughts some more. 

"Nice try Meelah." He pulled the covers off my face "Remember our talk about staying under the radar? If you have absenses they immediately keep an eye on you." I nodded slowly, he'd won, Im going to school. That sucks. "Go on get dressed." He flicked his wrist and peered at his silver watch. "you got 20 minutes, get a move on now please" 

I smiled at his attempt to act parent like. "You should get a car" I croaked, swinging my legs round and sitting up "Then maybe we wont have to rush out like this. Then I wont have to walk to school."  

"You should get up when your alarm goes off then we wont have to rush out at all." He said leaving the room. "Anyway," He said popping his head round the door "Even if I got a car, I wouldnt drive you to school. Its in the complete opposite direction." He grinned and I threw a pillow at the door as he closed it. Sighing I got out of bed completely. I wiggled my toes in my fluffy deep purple carpet, wishing it would produce a hole for me to jump into. I had a feeling today would be a long day, I was dreading school even more now I got out of bed, I wasnt entirely sure why.

-Prods POV-  

I sighed and sat up as I heard a banging on my door. It was about 6 in the morning. Keisha walked in and shut the door. "Morning Prodigy, I got some news for you." She said sounding super excited. 

I groaned and put my pillow over my head. Whenever Keisha got this excited over news it usually involved more work for me and the boys. "Dont go like that. It really is good news." I took the pillow off my face slowly. She smiled and came to sit on the edge of my bed "Kenneth, Walter and I have arranged for y'all to do a show in a school, today."  

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