Chapter 19: The Sleepover

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Dedicated to Ronesha. Her dedication is long overdue. She has supported and praised me for ages and said she'd have my back anytime anyone put me or my writing down <33 She also tells me my story is good all the time...... Thanks baby girl :')x

-Jameelahs POV-

I rubbed my hands together and then pushed them in my pockets trying to stay warm. We had been waiting outsides Stephs house for about half an hour.

"Where is the chick?" Skye mumbled into my scarf, I'd given it to her because she hadnt bothered to bring a jacket and had started shivering about 10 minutes ago. "Its been forever what the hell is she doing?"

"I dont know, but just chill Skye okay?" Shayla said wrapping her arms tighter around herself.

"Sorry Shay, but Im with Skye on this one." I shuffled my feet slightly "She said she'd only be a minute."

"Fuck her then, Im going back to the car" Skye said turning round and walking back towards where Shay's brother Josh had parked.

"Skye! Stop being a cold bitch" Shay hissed.

I laughed and Shay glared at me "S-sorry." I stammered "Its just, Skyes a bitch sometimes and its cold right now, making her a 'cold bitch' and you just-"

"Alright Jameelah I get it." Shay snapped. I raised an eyebrow. Its not like Shay to snap at people. "Sorry Jay, I guess Im being a cold bitch now" I laughed, it ended in a sigh. Both of us looked up at Stephs house. The only light on was upstairs, the rest of the house was in darkness. There was no noise coming from it, but then again we probably wouldnt have been able to hear it due to the loud party that was going on two doors down across the road. Looking back at Steph house I shivered again. Something just wasnt right. "Do you think we should knock her door? You know see if shes okay?" Shay whispered making me jump.

"Erm. Didnt she say we shouldnt?" I said nervously

"Shouldnt what?" came Skyes voice from my left

I turned "I swear you went back to the car?" Shay said

"I did, but then your brother got on the phone to his girlfriend and shit got awkward" She shrugged. "Steph still-"

"Yup." I nodded "We were just debating whether or not we should-" I got cut off by Skye's laugh.

"You sounded so British when you said 'debating' !!" She laughed harder.

"Really Skye?" Shay said "Look I know what Steph said but I am too cold and tired to wait anymore" She began walking up the path. Skye and I looked at each other shrugged and then trudged after her. We got halfway up the path when Steph stepped came out of her front door clutching a duffel bag. She looked left and right nervously before shutting the door and darting towards us. She didnt notice us until she was about 2 feet in front of us.

Her eyes widened, "What are you guys doing??" She sounded so scared "Lets get go! You were supposed to wait for me in the car."

"I know its just-" Shay started nicely but as usual Skye cut her off.

"You took so long coming out that these two got worried and wanted to come out here to freeze their asses off instead of waiting in the lovely warm car" She said. She flicked a piece of dirt from under her nail. "Since you're out now Im finna take my cold bitchy ass back to the car. Coming?"

Steph nodded wordlessly. We all followed Skye back to the car. We got there and Shay took Stephs bag and put it in the boot, or as Shay's brother corrected me earlier; the trunk, while the rest of us piled into the back seats.

Once in the car Steph visibly relaxed. I looked at Skye, What was that about? I asked her silently glancing at Steph who was now breathing in and out with her eyes closed.

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