Chapter 15: Sorry.

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Dedicated to Demi :) lol she made me laugh while writing this !! She was talking about my story and said I 'Take care of my parts' LOL not sure what that means or why it made me laugh but eh, love you and Im glad you read my story babes :*

 -Jameelah's POV-

I trudged home slowly. It usually only took me about 20 minutes to walk home from school but because of the way I dragged my feet I was only turning into my 'block' half an hour after leaving Ms Harrison's classroom. I began searching my bag for my keys, I usually keep them in the inside pocket but I was rushing this morning so I had just thrown them into my bag on the way out. Searching for my keys had forced me come to a complete stop. After a few seconds of fruitless rumaging in my bag I got annoyed. I gave my bag a vigorous shake and and heard my keys jingle somewhere near the bottom. I shoved my hand back into my bag and moved a couple pens around, my fingers closed around them, I continued walking and pulled them out. As I swung my bag over my shoulder I looked up. I immediately wished I hadnt. Danny was sitting on one of the stone steps leading up to me and Vantes apartment. He was tapping his left foot in a steady rhythm and kept looking at his wrist. I just stood there not sure what to do, I was too close to make a run for it and even if I could make a run for it, its not like I had a place to run to.

I guess you'll just have to stand here and wait for him to notice you. a sarcastic sounding voice at the back of my head said.

Nah, fuck that. Its been a long ass day. Tell Danny to fuck off, go inside, find Vante and pull out the chocolate and raspberry ice cream. Came a stronger, more commanding voice. I smiled to myself. It had been a long time since I did stupid things like have conversations and arguements with myself in my head. I know that would probably sound crazy if I explained it to anyone but Ive missed doing that.

I focused my thoughts back to the problem at hand. Danny.

Suddenly my phone vibrated. I pulled it out my pocket. 1 New Message From: Vantee<33

Meelsssss! Im lmma be home late :( theres $20 in the kitchen behind the picture of us baking :P (get pizza)

I sighed, looks like I'll be raiding the fridge alone. I cleared my throat loudly. Danny looked up. As soon as he saw me his face broke into a smile. He stood up "Jameelah!" he said, then he frowned " where were you, I didn't see you at all end of school so I came here and Ive-"

"Careful Danny, youre beggining to sound like a stalker." I said crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. "Was I not clear at lunch??"

He hung his head. "Jameelah, please. Im just trying to-"

"Trying to what exactly?" I asked. "What do you have to say to me here right now that I actually want to hear??"

He stepped closer to me and I stepped back. A car alarm went off somewhere behind me. I turned my head towards the noise, it was a silver coupe that belongs to a man who lives next door, Harvey I think his name is. After a couple of seconds the car alarm stopped and I turned back to Danny, as turned my head I felt arms go round my middle and before I knew it Danny had crashed his lips onto mine. I immediately pulled away and tried to push him off, but he just pulled me closer. So I kicked him in the shin, hia grip slackened and I pushed him harder. He fell over clutching his shin and a salt shaker came whistling through the air and hit him square in the stomach.

"Thats what yo greasy meatball eating ass gets!!!" came a loud voice from somewhere above us. It sounded like Madea. I looked up and saw my neighbour Miss Rose. When I first moved in Devante introduced her as the oldest badass on the block. I guess I was about to find out why she had that title. "Who the hell you think you are putting yo nasty ass spaghetti lips all over peoples chillren???" I giggled. Danny glared up at me. He got to his feet. "You best step away from her or Ill have yo as deportationalized!!!" She yelled. I squinted up at her deportationalized? Is she actually serious? I couldnt breathe, the laughter had me in stitches.

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