Chapter 23: Reactions

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Dedicated to Ameera for paying close attention to my book and for showing her interest  ^.^ <3

My heart stopped. Literally, and Im pretty sure that I stopped breathing for a second too. Danny smiled at me. "Going somewhere?" He asked silkily

"Just on my way to Skye's house." I said. Danny's hand twitched slightly and I noticed a bandage on his left wrist. "Get out of my way." I said drying my face with my sleeve.

"You know, you dont have to be so horrible Jameelah." Danny said, that annoying smile back on his face.

"Just move. I am nowhere near in the mood for you or your bullshit. I just want-"

"Okay okay!" Danny said putting his hands up. "I was just making sure you were alright."

"I dont need you to make sure Im alright. Im fine" I snapped. I tried to walk round Danny but a woman with a dog walked past us and as I stepped forward Danny stepped to the side. I felt myself collide with him and hit the ground. I landed funny and I felt a sharp pain shoot through my ankle. "Shit."

"Are you okay??" Danny said kneeling down at my side. He sounded genuinely concerned for me. I ignored him and tried to get up; Using the wall beside me and the sidewalk I got into a standing position. I put most of my weight on my left leg. I tried to put weight on my right foot and was almost blinded by the pain. I fought back tears and positioned myself against the wall so that I didnt have to put any weight on my foot. "Jameelah, Im sorry." I looked up. Danny was staring at my right foot, which I had suspended about an inch from the ground. "This is all my fault. Im sorry. Sorry for everything I said and did." He paused, I frowned. Why did he sound so close to tears? "I didnt mean for things to get so out of hand, I never wanted for you to get hurt." I raised an eyebrow. "Okay maybe I wanted you to be a bit scared but never hurt. I was just angry"

"Where I come from, fear, anger and pain are the same thing." I said thinking about my mother's rage which always resulted in my pain and fear. "Just go home Danny."

"But, how are you gonna get-"

"I'll manage." I said grtting my teeth. "I'm fine. I've delt with worse on my own." I said trying to keep my breathing even.

"Sure?" Danny said, throwing me a doubtful look. "I could help you home if-"

"No" I said quickly. The last thing I wanted was to walk down this road leaning on Danny. I leaned against the wall, then decided to sit on it. With my feet dangling the pain in my ankle lessened. "I dont need help. Thank you. Im fine."

"You know Im sorry right? Danny said moving closer. "You do know that everything I said to you in history class was a lie right?" He placed a hand on my arm.

"I know." I said shrugging him off. His touch made me so uncomfortable. "Look Im fine. Will you please go home?" It was supposed to be a command but it came out as more of a question. I looked down the street.

"If I go home now. How are you getting home?"

"Meels what are you doing?" A wave of relief washed over me. I dont remember being happier to hear Devante ask me that.

"Devante! Oh, Im just being humpty dumpty." I called out. "You know sitting on walls and stuff." I watched Danny's face change slightly as he backed away from us. In that moment, I dont know why, but I felt sorry for him. "See you in school tommorow, yeah?"  

"Bye Jameelah." Danny said before turning and walking down the road.  

"Who was that?" Devante asked eyeing the back of Danny's head suspiciously.  

"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies." I smirked.  

"Why are you out here anyway?" Devante asked. "I thought you were 'resting' at home?"  

My smirk was instantly replaced by a frown. "Um, I was on my way to the corner shop when these two-" I thought carefully, Devante would go completely mad if he knew what had just happened. At the same time, I knew I had to tell him what had just happened, I just had to choose my words carefully. "People stopped me."  

Vante leaned closer to me and leant against the wall I was sitting on. "Before you ask, no I didnt see who they were, one of them had a hood and the other one sort of grabbed me from behind." I said looking down towards the floor. 

I heard Devante's sharp intake of breath. "Lets get you home Jameelah, c'mon. We need to talk about this properly, dont sugar coat your words with me either." He raised his eyebrows. I tutted at myself. I forget how well he knows me sometimes. I slid off the wall, still trying to keep the weight off my right foot. Using Devante's arms for support I limped down the road. By the time we got outside our apartment, the pain was faint. Still there, but just a twinge now. I collapsed on the sofa and closed my eyes. Then the phone rang. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at it first, then at Devante. "Oh dont move please Jameelah, allow me" He said sarcastically. He went over to it. "Hello?" He said. "Yeah this is Devante, whose-" He paused. "Okay Aunt Reneè one second." Devante looked at me apologetically. "Jameelah, your mum wants to speak to you." He said, extending his arm. I shook my head staring at the phone like it was a bomb. I shook my head slowly. "Go on Jameelah take it. I'll be here the whole time." He smiled reassuringly. 

I took the phone and swallowed. "Hello?" I said nervously. I could just imagine her in my mind. Holding her ciggarette, leaning kitchen counter, small glass of alcohol beside her and of course, that bitter and twisted smile I was sure she reserved just for me. 

"Dont worry, I wont be on the phone for long. I wouldn't waste my international calls on you." She said. Venom was dripping from her every word. I could feel her hatred through the phone. "I was calling to offer you a warning." A pause, Im sure she stopped to flick her ciggarette. "Just to warn you that what happened to you on the way to the corner shop was no chance encounter." A clink of a glass. "There are consequences for every action Jameelah. Remember that. You may have left my house and my care, but you wont ever get away from me." A click. Then the dialling tone. I put the phone down gently. As soon as my fingers were off the reciever my whole hand began to shake uncontrollably and the room spun. I took a step towards the sofa and went crashing to the floor. The last thing I remember before blacking out was Devante yell my name.



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