Chapter 2: It Was Strange

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Dedicated to Sarcasm_is_life because she was the first wattpad user to realise my awesomeness ;) lol joke, in all seriousness though I this girl is my younger on wattpad O.O x

I explained to Rinaa that I knew a way into the building everyone was crowded around and that all she had to do was trust me and follow my lead.

I explained to Rinaa that I knew a way into the building everyone was crowded around and that all she had to do was trust me and follow my lead. I also told her that she was not supposed to ask what I was doing at any point between now and entry. Then I took a deep breath and crossed back over the road with Rinaa close behind me. I took a deep breath and walked around the crowd into the little Italian Themed Cafe right next door to the global radio building....

It had been a few weeks since I'd seen Uncle Luke but he looked older and greyer if that was even possible. He was way too hard working and lived in his Cafe. He cared about me and mum before he bought this place, when I was about 5 he brought this place to keep me and my mum from going under when my dad left and also to get over Devante's mum Lucia who he split from after 14years of marriage, after 6 months of running it he became obsessed with it and began shutting everyone out and putting his business first; he completely forgot the reason why he started his business he began to care less and less about his family . I dont see him unless its Christmas, my birthday or I go to the Cafe first. That is most definitely when we became a dysfunctional family.

When we walked in I spotted him in a corner polishing the food display glass "Ciao Uncle! Wahgwarn??" I greeted him in a mix of Patois and Italian as always, and as always he barely looked up as he said "What is it Jameelah I'm busy" I looked down and shuffled my feet. He could pretend to care about my existence "I was in the area and wondered if I could, get a plate of spaghetti and meatballs? you know you make the best meatballs ever!" I never really intended to eat them but getting him to make them was a distraction for me and Rinaa to sneak into the yard out back.

He straightened up narrowed his eyes at me and said "You gonna pay for that Jameelah?" I was shocked. I'm supposed to be family! Since when do I have to pay to be fed by my own family??

I said "Well no; but I am family-"

"Family??? Just because we are related it doesnt mean you can eat my profit. No, If you eat here you pay, just like everybody else missy." He turned his back on me and began wiping the counter top.

Ok it was supposed to be a distraction but for all he knows I could be starving. I was disgusted. He's usually mean but that was just ruthless. I gave him the filthiest look I could muster and said "I'm going to the bathroom, but dont worry I wont flush, wouldnt want to have to pay for waste of water!!!" I motioned for Rinaa to follow and I stomped out through the cafe past the bathroom and into a small courtyard that the bins for my Uncle's Cafe and the Global Radio building were kept in.

"Jameelah, are you Ok? your Uncle -"

"Oh its fine" I was lying through my teeth but I know I'd probably make her cry and I dont want to be sad right now. Devante is always telling me to stay positive and strong my mother is always telling me emotion is weakness. I need to stay strong "We're always like that! We'll laugh about it later...."

"Ok Jameelah; If you say so" There was a long and kind of awkward pause before Rinaa said "Now what?" I remembered why we came here and sprang into action. If I cant be happy inside or feel loved Im gonna make damn sure Rinaa does. I held my breath and bent down beside the bin next to the back door into Global Radio's building and pulled off a grate revealing a hole in the wall big enough to crawl through . Then I straightened up and said to her "we have to crawl through here to-"

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