Chapter 16: Missing You

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Dedicated to Shaniya because she has voted for almost every chapter so far and told me she loves my story, which was nice :)<3

Prods POV-  

" 5 6 7 8" The correographer yelled. The boys and I slid across the studio floor then began doing the routine we'd been practising. "Stop. Stop. Just stop." 

"Now what???" I heard Ray whine "We were doing fine!!!!"  

We had been practising this routine for three hours straight. The boys and I were convinced we had it nailed but our choerographer kept stopping us. He was convinced something was missing. "Sorry Ray," he said sincerly "I just wanna see y'all do it perfectly" He scratched his head "Keisha, what do you think? Am I being too harsh?"  

We all looked at Keisha who was leaning against the wall. She folded her arms and stared at us. It looked like she was doing some serious thinking "I think theres something missing she said, while absesnt mindedly drumming her fingers on her thigh "Keep at it they'll get there." She gave us the thumbs up and left the studio. 

"Thats reckless abandonmentttttttt!!" Ray yelled sinking to his knees. "how could she?" he said sounding so depressed. 

Prince tutted sounding exasperated "I dont know what were doing wrong!! The moves are fine-"  

"How do you know the moves are fine? You doing the dance as well maybe-" Roc began to say. He was trying to reason with him but Prince wasnt having any. 

"We dance in front of a mirror!! Obviously I can see if Im messing up!!!" Prince rolled his eyes. 

"Dont give him attitude afro puff!!!" Ray yelled from the floor "Maybe if you spent less time looking in the mirror and more time dancing we wouldnt be in this mess!!" They all began arguing with each other, each point more stupid than the one before. I just watched them go back and forth like I usually do during pointless bickering until Prince said "Tell them Im right Prod!!!!" Everyone looked at me. I really didnt know what to say. Its not like I was paying any attention to them. So I looked at our choreographer. "Can I get some water please?" It would give me an easy way out of this. 

"5 minute break. Then we go back to the routine. I want a perfect run through before y'all go for soundcheck" The boys scattered. Ray dived for his bag and pulled out his phone. Prince slid across the floor for his Ipod and Roc began walking in a circle beatboxing to himself. I walked over to my bag and picked it up calmly. As I left the studio I bumped into Keisha. 

"You alright?" She asked sounding concerned  

"Everyones been asking me that alot lately. Im fine Keisha." I muttered. 

"Dont catch an attitude with me young man." She said sternly tapping my forehead.  

I laughed "Sorry Keish, Im just-"  

"I know" She said pulling me into a hug. "It'll all be alright tonight, dont worry." She let me go and went skipping back into the dance studio. I stared after her. She probably thought I was worried about the show tonight. I wasnt worried at all, well I wasnt worried about performing, I was more anxious to know whether I was going to see Jameelah there or not. Ray had told me she was planning to come with some friends from school but that was before I'd called her and got all mad at her over the phone. As soon as she'd hung up the phone I regretted every word I said during that conversation. Every time I replayed it in my mind I thought of a million different things I couldve said to her. Instead of getting jealous of a guy at her school and worried about how much she really cared for me I shouldve just focussed on how strongly I feel for her. What I really shouldve done was just told her what I felt when Roc told me too, when I still had a chance to talk to her. Now, she wont answer any of my calls. Ive sent her a text everyday this week and called her twice a day. I must have left at least 12 voice mesaages. Im so sick of her answer phone. I just wanna talk to her- 

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