Chapter 18: The Harbor

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Dedicated to Steph who has been a huge fan of my stories and Imagines for the longest lol. She also happens to live in Baltimore and she gave me the ideal setting for this chapter and has supported and praised me soooo much, this is my way of saying thank you:3x

"Where we headed Steph?" Shayla asked "I need to tell my brother so he can get us when we're done"

"Oh um. Literally round the corner...Theres an aquarium there, right on the corner next to the pier."

"Perfect place for an evening stroll." Princeton said winking at Skye.

"You must be planning to stroll on your own with that big ass afro of yours" Skye replied.

We left the concert hall via the back doors, Steph leading the way, and walked around a corner and down a street. I stopped suddenly. The view was so breathtaking. There were golden lights on the boats which were moored and docked in a massive harbor. The street lamps had a soft glow and it made the area seem all the more cosy. It reminded me of an outdoor version of my bedroom in London.

"Its not much but, we call it The Harbor" She said quietly

"Its beautiful" I said smiling. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"INSTAGRAMMM!!!" Prince yelled pulling his phone out.

Walter shook his head "You kids and your social networking sites!! In my day we had letters and postmen-"

"Nah in my day we had letters and postmen" Keisha said with a smile "They had pigeons and feather quills in your day"

We laughed hard at that one. Walter kept a straight face "Yeah, yeah alright." He crossed his arms "Are we going into this aquarium or what?" He threw Keisha a dirty look that wouldve made me want to run and hide under my bed.

Keisha laughed "Keisha 1. Walter 0" She muttered in my ear. I laughed too and she cleared her throat quickly. "Its a really nice evening, if you want we could just walk around?" She said, avoiding Walters annoyed glare.

"Keisha thats boring" Ray said sulkily.

"Yeah I wanna see some sharks!!!" Roc pouted

"Okay what about you ladies?" Walter asked looking at me, Shay, Skye and Steph.

"Im good wherever we go!!" Prince said loudly.

Everyone looked at him. He was a couple of steps away from us holding his phone. I think he had just finished taking that picture for instagram. "You do realise that Walter was asking us girls?" Skye said.

"Um. I-"

"Im good with the aquarium Walter!" Shay said, talking over Prince. He gave her a look and Shayla looked down.

"Hey!!" Ray said angrily "Dont be like that!! Dude she just saved you from saying something stupid!!" Roc chuckled.

"I suggest we just all go to the aquarium" Walter said now sounding like he was trying to hold in laughter too.

"I was all for going for a walk though Walt!" Prod said quietly. I was surprised Walter heard him.

He gave Prod a confused look, then Keisha nudged him and jerked her head, first at Prod and then at me. I sighed inwardly. Way to be subtle Keish. "Meet us back here in about an hour ok?" Walter said narrowing his eyes at us "Y'all stay safe! I dont wanna be fishing any bodies out that water!!"

I laughed hard. "No fear Walter! I promise I wont push Prod in"

Shayla gave me a hug. "Get 'em girl" She said so only I could hear her.

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