Chapter 21: The Fight

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Dedicated to Rockaya!! My thugg. This girl is a don, chilling through hurricane sandy because she was happy to miss a math test :') lml I love her. She just deserves a dedication because she's got a dope british accent ;)

The boys went backstage to go set up for soundcheck. Miss Harrison kept looking from me to Prodigy and back again. I was beggining to think she's phychic. When she went over to talk to Principle Hayes I took the oppertunity to slip out of the lecture theatre undetected. I rushed to Skye's lesson trying to get there before the bell went for lunch. I skidded past some lockers and looked up at the clock 7 minutes until the bell went. I started running, I knew she was in Maths with Miss Wilkinson. 5 doors away, 4 doors away, 3 doors, 2 doors, 1 door left. I got to Miss Wilkinson's room and burst in without knocking. "Mr Hughes needs to see Skye Jameson right now Miss." At the mention of Mr Hughes her usually mean face went soft and gentle. I dont think she even heard what I said after I mentioned Mr Hughes. Skye swept everything off her desk into her bag and raced past desks to get to me. We stepped outside together. "Okay Skye, 2 things." She nodded and motioned for me to continue. "First thing. I slapped Danny this morning." I looked at her face. OMG why? was written all over it. "Basically he told me he knew a way that he could make Devante lose his job and he was such a dick about it. Told me some story about his cousin Mina working at Vante's law firm and that she knows he shags his boss or some shit like that" I said very fast. Skye looked confused. Shags? She asked cocking her head to one side enquiringly. London Slang. I replied with a look. "I think he was suggesting that me and him should date so he would keep it on the low, but I didnt let him get that far. I slapped him and chucked his shit out the window."

"Awesome!" Skye said bumping fists with me "Jay, Im proud of you. What else you gotta say to me?"

"Oh!! Yeah, do you know Shayla's lesson right now?" I asked

"Erm. She'll have geography with Mr Dodson right now why?"

"MB is here, surprise performance after lunch." I said nonchantly

"Oh Shayla will wet herself." Skye said "I aint talking piss either."

"Skye you are nasty" I wrinkled my nose. The bell went and people instantly began filling the corridor. "Shit. How am I gonna-"

"Ayee Jameelah!! Since your cousin seems fuck people to get what he wants how far would you be willing to go to get an A in your classes?" Danny's voice rang out clearly over the noise in the busy hallway. "Did you give Mr Hughes a piece of that head game? Is that why you always getting them high grades in-" He never finished that sentance. Skye punched him square in the jaw. His whole face twisted in fury and he shoved her. "Really Skye? You wanna get into this over a ho-" He didnt finish that sentance either.

"Fuck." Slap to the face "You." Another slap this time to the other cheek. "Danny" Kick. "Giornel." A kick to the crotch. Danny fell to the floor and scrambled back to his feet "No one" Skye punched him again. "Fucks" she pulled his hair, dragging his head back. "With my girls." By this time there was a crowd and I could barely see Danny or Skye due to the amount of backpacks, satchels and hair in my way. I squatted down and through the tangle of legs, I could hear the distinctive sound of flesh on flesh and I just knew Skye was hitting Danny even more. Someone moved and I saw that Danny was on the floor and Skye was kneeling on his chest. "Do you understand me?" Skye was saying sweetly, stroking his cheek. Danny's head lolled against the floor. I saw that his cheek was bruised and he had a few scratches on his arms. He looked completely dazed. "I said, do you understand me?" Skye punched him across the face again and blood spurted from his nose like a mini scarlet fountain.

"Skye stop!!!" I yelled, I pushed my way through people to get to the centre of the crowd. As much as I disliked Danny, I didnt want to see him get hurt that badly. "Skye, leave him. If you do any more I think you might kill him."

Skye got up, "Do you realise what this fool was saying about you and Devante?"

"Yeah I do but-" I looked down at him. He looked weak and helpless, I knew what it was like to be in that position, I'd been there so many times. On the floor, bruised and aching all over. I tapped Skye's arm and we began walking to the edge of the crowd.

"Thats right hoe. Walk away because you know-" Danny coughed. "You know its, true, bitch."

Before I had time to react Skye spat. It landed right in Danny's eye. Everyone in the corridor yelled "ewwww" I laughed. Looking down at Danny I couldnt believe I had just considered leaving him alone.

"Unless you want another beating" Skye smiled. "behave yo'self. That means that when you see Jameelah, you look away, dont talk to her or smile at her. If I see you so much as look at her in the wrong way, you will be the one whose sorry bew."

The corridor errupted in laughter. Skye bowed and grabbed my hand. This time everyone parted to let us through. We grabbed our bags. "Lunch?" Skye asked "My treat?"

"How about Principles office?" Came a high pitched female voice "My treat" Ms Wilkinson stood in front of us, arms folded staring us down. Skye rolled her eyes and my heart sank. If this had anything to do with that fight, I just knew we were in for a hell of a lot of trouble. So much for staying under the radar. I felt my heart sink as Ms Wilkinson began to walk down the hall, I have let Devante down so badly.

O.O soooo. Do you think Danny got what he deserved? Was Skye too hard on him? Was Jameelah too nice? Let me know. Sorry it was short. I just thought the fight deserved its own chapter.

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