Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Dedicated to creativebliss16

-          I love you. Youre my bff =D

-          P.s. update your damn story


*Autumn’s POV*

I woke up really warm and comfy and looked over to see a naked Will pressed against my side. My eyes widen as I looked under the covers at my own naked body.

“Holy shit!” I looked to the door and saw Jay with his mouth ajar.

“You’re telling me,” I said to him with a smirk. I looked at William and he still was asleep. I leaned over playfully and nibbled his ear. He moaned and I held in a laugh. I moved to his lips and kissed him, which woke him. I smirked and he smiled at my cleavage. I hit him playfully and nodded toward the door, where jay was still standing.

“Hi jay,” Will said awkwardly as he ruffled his hair nervously.

Jay looked furious, “Alpha’s going to kill you, both of you.” I looked at William as he glared at Jay. Jay then turned and left, slamming the door.

“What’s an alpha?” I asked curiously. He looked upset still and this question made his face become expressionless.

“An alpha is a head werewolf… who just happens to be my father. Jay and Lydia are also werewolves.” I’m pretty sure my face was smirking, but I doubted him. How dare he play with me after we had just made love.

“Prove it, and ill believe you.” He got up from the bed and I blushed, taking in his heavenly body. Before I even knew it there was a huge black wolf in front of me and all I could do was smile. He whined and walked toward me before jumping on the bed. I lifted my hand and he put his nose in it. I laughed,

“You’re so cute! Change back!” he shifted and was back in his human form on his hands and knees. I launched myself at him and we kissed until there was a knock at the door. We both stopped abruptly and the knock persisted.

“Hello?” I asked trying to not giggle.

“School is in twenty minutes guys, finish up.” I smirked as Jay’s voice still sounded pissed. William and I started dying laughing. Never the less we got up and got ready for school, with Will stealing kisses and glances at me every now and again.

On the way to school Lydia drove with me while Jay rode with William. We actually kinda raced and Lydia and I won. When we arrived Lydia stopped me from getting out.

“Let me see!” she persisted as she moved my hair from my neck. I looked at her like she had 3 heads.

“What the hell,” I said pulling away. She looked at me and pointed to my neck. I had a little black paw print on my neck with a crown above the paw print. “What is that?”

“it’s a symbol that means you’ve mated with someone, hence the paw print, its black because when William shifts he’s a black wolf, and lastly the crown means that you’ve mated with royalty.” She pulled back her hair and it showed that there was a paw print on her neck too, a brown one. I smiled and put my hand to it. I poked and we both laughed. I felt a pull towards her and then I spoke,

‘Hey we should pull our hair back and show off our tattoos’ I winked and she answered,

‘Totally!’ but her lips didn’t move.

‘Whoa, were talking threw our brains?’ she nodded with a yes I just smiled and put my hair up then we both got out of the car and walked up the steps to our awaiting mates. I smiled at Lydia, because my plan had worked. They were looking at our necks instead of our faces. They had stupid little goofy smiles on their faces and it was the most adorable thing I had I ever seen.

‘They’re so cute!’ she squealed and as I approached I nodded and answered aloud,

“Yeah they are.” They looked at us oddly then Lydia and I said, “Girl talk telepathy,” at the same exact time.  We laughed and they looked at us then they looked at each other, obviously thinking bad things. Lydia and I walked to class in silence, leaving the guys trailing behind us. I felt a tug on my hand and turned to see a pissed Jenna, Williams sister.  She was looking at my neck. ‘oh shit’ I thought to Will.

‘Calm down baby, don’t listen to her,’ I looked at him and nodded.

“So you mated with my brother, but how? Dad didn’t say that this was allowed.” She turned and looked at William,  “did you tell her that you’re engaged?” my ears perked up, what?

“What?” I asked stupidly allowed.

“Yup,” she said turning back to me, “he’s engaged to an alphas daughter… it’s been arranged since they were early teens.”

I looked at William, ‘is this true,’ I’m pretty sure I started tearing up and he could feel my pain. He looked at me and shook his head.

‘Kinda.’ I blew up.

‘Kinda? How is it kinda?!’ I had this sympathetic expression.

‘Because I’m forcefully engaged, but I don’t love her. I haven’t mated with her. I love you, and only you. Please Autumn, I need you. You know this.’

‘Okay’ I smiled at him and he shoved past Jenna with a glare and a growl.

“Back off,” he whispered to her loudly. She smiled and he growled again as he walked away with me in hand.

“Baby?” I asked after we rounded the corner.

“Yea?” I looked at him and stop in front of him while he was walking, he had nowhere to go.

“Do you love me?” I asked and he nodded,

“Of course I love you.” I nodded and stood up to peck him.  He returned it and we continued to our separate classes.

At lunch I met up with Lydia, Jay and William and we sat at the football players table. I got looks and some even spoke up,

“Her? Will c’mon!” one guy whined

“She’s not your type Will,” another added.

“Just kill her, you don’t need her,” I stood up and looked murderously to a boy sitting by Adam Wrangling. Adam hadn’t said anything about me. William growled but looked up to me with a surprised look. I looked back to the boy,

“Speak another word and I’ll kill you with my bare hands,” I said so low and menacing that the boy gave me a surprised look, then a smirk to William,

“I like her William; we just had to test her. If she’s gonna be Alpha female one day she can’t be shy or scared, but I didn’t expect her to be so scary, damn girl.” William chuckled and a smile dropped on to my face as I sat down and looked at the table who now was happily chatting with Will about me one day being Alpha Female.

After class was over I went to my locker and put books away. Arms wrapped around my waist and I automatically knew it was my baby. I smiled and he whispered in my ear,

“I never asked if you’d be my girlfriend,” I felt his anxiousness so I smiled and turned around and hugged him.

“I love you” he said in to my hair.

“How much do you love me?” I asked anxious to ask my question I’ve been waiting to ask.

“A lot, why what’s up?” I smiled, he was falling in to my trap.

“Will you do me a favor?”

He pulled back from our embrace and looked at me.

“of course!” he said smiling.

“pinky promise?” I asked holding out my pinky.

He locked our pinkies, “Promise.”

He was gonna be so pissed. I held my head high and demanded it,

“I want to meet your Alpha.”

His face drained of color and his eyes showed that he was in fact pissed. He looked like he was going to say no but he surprised me,

“I’ll grab you at sunset, we have a meeting tonight anyway.” I nodded and felt giddy.

I’m going to meet Alpha.

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