Chapter 3

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The next morning I decided to un-pack. As I was unpacking clothes I realized I didn't have many outfits but there wasn't a lot because I threw most of them out. Due to my parental’s new salaries I was able to actually get an allowance for the first time ever. I made piles of clothes. Like pajamas, shirts, pants, underwear, bras, shorts, skirts, socks and dresses. I put all my stuff in my walk-in closet. I texted my mom, "Hey ma, can we go shopping?"

A few seconds later I received an, "ok." Last night I had a nightmare of the accident happening all over again. I missed jay but I doubted he was awake yet. I slept in till 12 and it was now around 2. I received another text hoping it would be Jay but it turned out to be my mother,

"hey we'll be home soon! We got off early dress casual we have a surprise for you!!" I smiled because I was excited for my surprise. I jumped in the shower and blow dried my hair. I then threw on some mascara and eyeliner. After I was done, I turned on my iPod and listened to Escape the Fate [my favorite band] I must have nodded off while listening to it because I woke up to my mother shaking me awake.

"Hey!" she said, "Get up! We got to go!" she smiled and I rose from the dead. As we headed outside to the car I started to get the grogginess out of my system. While in the car I watched as we passed Adam's house and saw Jay's car in the driveway. He must have slept over. I checked my phone and still no texts. It kind of depressed me to see that he didn't want to talk to me or maybe he really wasn't awake yet.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I peered out the window to see a fairly big school. Maybe that's the one I'll go to in September.

"We're here," my mother cooed. I looked to see where we were and realized it was Petsmart. I got very excited. Was I getting a pet? My mother got out of the car and headed to the front doors. I ran after her.

Inside my mother introduced me to an animal specialist/ behaviorist. The specialist said he would show me some animals I could choose from. I smiled and hugged my mother and then followed the man. We stopped in front of a glass window which had a couple cats in it. I honestly didn't prefer cats, but these were very cute. Then after that he led me to a couple small tanks which held reptiles.

"No, please, no reptiles." I said and received a side glance from the specialist. He just nodded and showed me some birds and some small rodents and then he showed me a chinchilla and a ferret.

"Okay, that's it." he said with a sigh. Which will it-" he was then cut off by a small scream and a couple barks. I turned to see a bunch of dogs running towards me. They avoided me and kept running after something. I caught the slight glimpse of a small rodent.

"John!" a woman called, john was the man standing next to me, the 'specialist'. "The sugar bear!"

John's face dropped as he started to run after the dogs. "What's wrong?" I shouted as I realized the woman was by me.

"We got in a sugar bear and it jumped away from me." the 'bear' was running towards me with the dogs on it tail. Literally. I ran towards the bear and it saw me and for some reason it jumped at me and something that looked like wings popped out. It glided towards me and I grabbed it and turned down an aisle and ran with the dogs at my ankles. I ran as fast as I could and jumped in the grooming studio with the little bear gone. I started to freak out and get scared, but then I felt a little claw on my chest and saw it was hiding in my jacket. I opened my jacket and gently picked up the bear with looked like more of a squirrel. I smiled until the woman walked in and snatched the squirrel from me.

"There you are!" she said nastily and threw the little bear in a cage.

"Hey! Don’t do that!" I said as I tried to snatch the animal from her. My mother vaporized behind the woman and watched as the woman said,

"and it's too much for you youngin’'." she laughed and then my mother spoke,

"Autumn, do you want the sugar bear?" I nodded watching the little one intently. "How much is it, miss?"

"500 dollars" the woman sneered.

"Sold," my mom said smiling. My face brightened right up and I went to take my baby away from that awful woman. She opened the cage and I reached my hand in and the little one jumped in to my hand and I put the bear up next to my neck and it snuggled right in. I smiled as the specialist led us away from the evil woman and showed us some cages. I picked out a green cage for my little girl.

in the car on the way to the mall my mother asks, "What are you going to name her baby?"

I smiled and thought of a random name. "U-B-I, like 'you be'. What do you think ma?"

"Sounds perfect" I smiled at my mother and then looked at Ubi as she came out of my little carry along bag, that my mother bought. I rubbed my finger on her head and she shut her eyes.

"I think she already trusts me."

"Probably does," my mom stated without hesitation "you did save her."

I smiled, "Yeah I did." and snuggled Ubi into my chest.

After we got Ubi we went to the mall and I got new clothes. Ubi was so funny in the dressing room because all she did was sit there and eat a piece of dried apple that we bought for her at Petsmart, and after she finished it she made this little bark that kind of sounded like a Chihuahua’s bark, just so I could give her another.

Later on I received a text from Jay and ignored it. It read "hey"

The next day Ubi, dad and I went to look for a car for myself. I was so excited to finally have a car that I almost forgot Ubi on the couch until she started crying. I ran back to her and kissed her head. I put her in my knapsack and we jumped into dad’s car. Ubi fell asleep on the way but the auto dealer was just 3 blocks away.

After we parked I went to look at cars while my dad went inside to find a car salesman. I peeked in the knapsack to see Ubi looking at me with squinty eyes. I smiled as she yawned and laid back down. I kept looking around for a car until I spied one. It was a red 2010 Ferrari California for $192,000.

My dad came back outside and saw the red Ferrari and smiled. He said something to the sales man and the sales man said the price and my dad’s jaw dropped but then he just smiled. He handed over a card and the guy went back inside. My father winked at me and followed the man to go sign paperwork. God, did I love my dad.

A couple days later I heard music blasting and it was near 10 at night. I slipped on some short shorts and a bra under my tank top. I headed towards the door and then I heard Ubi cry. I sighed and went to pick up my baby.  I put her in my hoodie pocket and she relaxed and snuggled in. I went to the garage and jumped in to my baby. I revved the engine; then pulled out of the driveway and came to a stop. I put down the top and listened to find the music. I drove down the road a bit and stopped when I heard the music faintly. it sounded more like chanting as I parked in front of Adam's house. I turned my car off, put the hood up and locked it. I went around the back of Adam's house to see lights in the distance dancing off the trees. I shivered a little bit and put my hands in my hoodie to meet a sleeping Ubi. I cradled her in my hands as I headed towards the woods.




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I'm the New Girl and He's the Werewolf Quarterback [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now