Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to iLOve2read

Chapter 16

between you and I
by Every Avenue
-such a touching song<3:"(

This goes to iL0ve2read

For her amazing comment about my story:

“omg, is she gonna be able to swim, I hope so! Omg, she went through all of that to save Ubi, that’s called selflessness. Great chapter please upload soon.”

She didn’t go ballistic because of the chapter. She picked up on the fact that I was giving off the hint of autumns old personality that is coming back to life.

Peace guys!

Try to guess some of Williams personality?



I looked up from my hands to see Jay and a very depressed looking Lydia; Autumns’ parents were with her now. I couldn't answer. My voice wouldn't work and my throat burned with intense heat. I looked right through jay. I knew he liked this autumn girl and like any other jock just wanted some ass. Everyone thinks that's why I dated Ashley Hope but in all honesty it was to keep up my appearance. I still am a virgin, at age eighteen, but no one could ever find that out. The doors opened to my right and out walked autumns parents. Her mother was muttering something about how she didn’t want to lose another child. Her father looked away from his wife and to Lydia and spoke,

“Lyd, let’s go home,” he looked to Jay, “you can come over later Jason.” Jay nodded and Lydia gave Jay a kiss on the cheek. After they left jay sat down next to me.

“They’re scared shitless.” He whispered and I nodded understandingly but thought of what Autumns mother was talking about, so I decided to pry.

“What do you mean?” I asked sounding confused. I knew Jay would open right up to me.

He sighed and looked really upset. His eyes were red and irritated. “She had a brother. His name was Ashton but he died last year from cancer.” I looked at his face to tell if he was just bluffing but when I looked I saw that he wasn’t. I shook my head as if to clear my brain. “Autumn told me last night when I was with Lydia. She had the ability to tell anyone, Will, but she told me,” his voice broke as he held back tears. I patted his back to comfort him the best I could. I knew that this was eating him up. “She lives as if he’s still with her. She’s still holding on. She has pictures everywhere, man, and she has these sticky notes all over her walls with quotes and sayings.” He paused and looked me in the eyes. “He looks so much like her that they look like twins.” I looked at the floor imagining a smiling happy autumn with a boy- one foot and five inches taller. I couldn’t even imagine the beauty they both shared.

“Let’s go home, you can sleep at mine?” Jay nodded and stood up; we headed out of the hospital and reached my car. I looked up to stars and then looked to where Autumns window was. I thought of that image of her and all the blood. It made my throat clench all over again. I turned and got in my car and sped home while Jay texted Lydia. I wish I had someone to text.

Play this song for this scene:

Never Change by Chase Coy

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