Chapter 37 ♡Is there a problem?♡

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I called Luke last night asking him to come to my dorm...

And now, I am walking inside my dorm, pacing back and forth while I wait for Luke to come...

The memory last night replays in my mind.

"Adriana, once again, will you be my girlfriend?"

All I could muster up was a small croak that came out of my throat.

I stared at him one more time before I had the courage to say...


He hugged me, kissed me on the forehead and I hugged him back.

I am Randy's girlfriend now. I have to let go of Luke...

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts.


I opened the door and I couldn't even offer a 'hi' or smile to Luke.

I'm really nervous.

I sat on the sofa and he made his way inside quietly without muttering anything, he sat next to me and that's when he asked.

"Adriana... is there a problem?" He looked at me sadly.

"Yes...." we sat there for a few moments of silence before I continued.

"I am..." I fought the urge to cry...

What am I?

A liar.

"Don't ever think that I'll leave you, I love you too much to do that"

A big, fat, freakin' lie.

I told him all these lies...

I am a liar. A liar.

He's been nothing but good and sweet to me and this is what I repay him with...

I'm ashamed.

I got his hopes up.

I got his hopes up and I crushed it.

I will hurt him...

But you have to. He's already hurting... You will hurt him more if you continue what you're doing.

Stop it Adriana.

Stop hurting Luke.

Tell him the truth.

My subconscious spoke to me.

Not wanting to make it longer and harder for the both of us....

I told him.

"Luke, I'm sorry... You can't court me anymore..."

"What? Wh-why?" There was a stutter and a slight crack in his voice.

You're hurting him.

"I..." I can't force the words out of my mouth...

I can't tell him...

"Why Adriana?" He held the both of my hands.

I stared at our entwined hands.

I hugged Luke tightly.

"I'm sorry Luke, I'm so so so sorry.. I didn't mean t-"

Luke shushed me and held my face with both his hands.

His gaze held so much sadness and passion at the same time... I was starting to get hypnotized by his stare.

He looked at my eyes, then for a moment, my lips.

Then he kissed me on the lips.

That was my first kiss.

I should be angry because he stole my first kiss.

But all I felt was...



I kissed him back softly, and I pulled apart as soon as our lips met.

Luke and I were staring at each other, communicating with our eyes that we loved each other.


You have Randy, Adriana.

Randy cheated on you, but that doesn't give you the right to cheat on him too.

I got up and sprinted to the door, Luke ran after me and held my arm.

"Adriana. Why are you doing this to me?" He almost sounds like he's about to cry.

No don't, please don't cry Luke.

Don't make it any harder for me...

I faced Luke and a tear rolled down his cheek.

No no no no...

As soon as I saw the tear roll down his cheek, my tears started to flow too...

"I'm sorry Luke... I never meant to hurt you... I-I told you that Randy was already forgotten but when he returned, all of the supressed feelings I have for him came back. I thought I didn't love him anymore but... I still do. I'm so sorry Luke... I still do..."

"He hurt you Adriana, why can't you just let him go? Aren't you afraid that he'll hurt you again?"

"That's the risk I'm willing to take for love..." I answer quietly.

"Why don't you take that risk with me?"

"I... I don't know..."

"Damn it, Adriana. Why is it so damn easy to love you? The moment I first got to know you, I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you. And love does not come easy to me, you make it so damn easy to love you Adriana... You're almost perfect. You make it so hard for me to see your flaws. Damn, I don't even know if you have flaws. I love you Adriana... Please love me back... I've grown so accustomed to you already... I can't even imagine my life without you... please... please just... love me back... just tell me that you love me."

He stares into my soul and I am unable to respond...

"Just come to People's Park this Saturday... Where we first met, and hopefully where you can declare your love for me... for sure, where there is no more doubt laced in your words. I don't want to force you into this relationship Adriana, If you're not happy with me, I won't force you. But I see that you love me... I can feel it. So I will fight for you, and our love. I just hope that you think this through... I love you Adriana, you know that, and I would never do anything to hurt you.... See you Adriana." When he muttered the last word, he raised both my hands to his face and kissed each hand gently and softly, he left the apartment gloomily.

I turned off the lights, went to my bed, and let the darkness and silence accompany me to sleep.

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