Chapter 6 ♡First Time♡

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Saturday. Today is Saturday. I'm not feelin' it. Getting only 3 hours of sleep and remembering 'certain stuff' can make you feel like this. Anyway, I made the plans already so... there's no turning back now.

It's still morning, so I call the girls over, they usually go to my house the most because mine was a bit spacier than theirs, and because my fridge has unlimited food (but mostly because of the second reason)

I call all of them in a voice conference

"Belle, Lyka, Louise, Jash, you guys wanna come over?"

"Yeah sure, I'm bored" Belle replied

"Yeah, okay!" Lyka piped up

"Sorry girls... can't, I'm meeting my mom and dad today" Louise apologized

"Sure, I'm free"Jashtine was the last to reply

"Okay girls, see you all later!" I replied to all of them.  "and Louise, enjoy!"

"Thanks!" Louise replied

about 20 to 30 minutes later...

"Hey A!!!" They all shout simultaneously

"Hey guys!!" I reply

"So guys, what do you wanna do?" I ask

they replied with watching movies, eating and just telling stories, so the whole afternoon, we did all that. When 7:00 pm came...

"Guys... sorry to cut the party short but, I have to go somewhere..."

"Where?" Belle asks

"I'm sorta meeting someone I met the day 'he' cheated on me, you know, the 'manhandler'" making air quotation marks around the word manhandler.

"You devil, you already found someone after him, right after him" Lyka chuckled and winked at me

"Noooo... I didn't mean to, it was an accident, I almost got hit by his car, he brought me to the hospital, then he gave me his handkerchief that had his number on it, I called, then here I am, getting ready to see him"

"aaayyyyiiiieeeeee!!! you have to let us plan your outfit"Jash said

"hahaha no thank you, I think I am more than capable of choosing my own outfit, besides, we already talked about what we're wearing"

"awwwww that's soo shweet" Lyka cooed

"no it isn't, stop trying to pair me up with every guy that I meet Lyka"

"Well, you are going on a date, you can't blame me if I try to pair you up with him" She playfully replied

"If you guys mind, I'm gonna change" I stare at them, expecting them to go out of my room

they just stared back at me

"guuuyyssss... get out of my room!"

"but what will you wear?" they asked

"Purple pants annndddd... a white shirt"

"what about the shoes?" Jashtine asks

"My white flats, see I'm more than capable of dressing myself"

"Okay okay, we believe you, we were just making sure" Jashtine replies

"Okay okay. Just... just get out of my room!"

they all replied with okay and eye rolls.

I took a bath, brushed my teeth, wore my clothes and put on some perfume; then went downstairs

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