Chapter 28 ♡Right?♡

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My soft snores were silenced when someone woke me up.


"Babe, mind explaining why you hit me on the head?" Luke asks calmly

I sit up from the couch and start frantically explaining.

"I.. I thought you were a criminal and when I went out of the comfort room, it was dark so I didn't know that it wa.."

He kissed me on the forehead mid-sentence.

Okay. I could check that off my bucket list now.

Get kissed in between sentences. Tick.

"It's okay..." he smiled. OH GAWD. That killer smile.

It's obvious that you're crazy in love with the guy, you don't have to worry about Randy.

"Why did you come here anyway?" I asked.

"I came here all the way from Melbourne, because I wanted to talk to you..."


"About Randy. About.... Us."

"What's there to talk about?" I ask, genuinely confused.

I told Randy that I didn't want to get back with him because Luke was already in my life, so... what's the problem?

"Well, since you forgave him... will you..."

"Will I what?"

"Get back together with him?" He frowned.

"Why would I? I have you."

"Yeah but... you had a past together, and it was real love too you know... not just like, a one night thing. And the time it took you to get over him... You must've really loved him... And to be honest... I'm scared." He held my hand. "Scared because I feel like you're gonna leave... Why be with someone you met in a course of a month when you can get back with your 3 year lover? It's just... I like you so damn much Adriana... and it hurts me to think of these thoughts... these thoughts that you're gonna leave me... Please Adriana... Don't leave me..."

I brought his hand to my face and caressed it then I kissed the back of his hand.

I stared into those blue eyes.

"Those eyes, I love your eyes. I love the way you make me feel like I'm the prettiest woman with the simple gestures that you do, I love the way you effortlessly make me laugh, I love the way you can distract me from everything else when I'm with you or talking with you, and most of all I like you. So don't ever think that I'll leave you... I care about you too much to do that, and so what if we got acquainted in a month only? Time is not a factor in love. The feelings and the connection does, and to be honest, I have more connection with you and I have more feelings for you..."

I kissed his left cheek, then I moved on to his right cheek, then I kissed him on his forehead.

"I love you. Not Randy. Please... just faith in me... have faith in us" I kissed him on the nose.

He gave me a weak smile then he kissed me on the forehead.

I hugged him to comfort him.

My breathing slowed down and I had a stampede in my tummy.

I love Luke. There. I said it.

I won't get back with Randy. I already have Luke and... it's not the time, it's the connection.

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