Chapter 20 ♡Familiar Faces♡

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What a view it was...

Neon lights scattered and skimming through hundreds of compressed bodies, lazer lights playing with my vision, lazers with different colors and shades, people dancing wildly to the songs already playing, even though the band wasn't there yet, it was wild. SO wild. I've never been to a party before (except for the occassional family birthday party and weddings), don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-social, I just know what really happens at parties so I choose to stay away from them.

Denise pulls me deeper into the crowd, until we were both covered in other people's sweat and ours too, but it was okay, at least we're at the front row...

after what I supposed was 30 minutes of chatting, the lazer lights and spot lights turned off, and there was silence...

Then they turned back on, the colors of the lazer lights and lights were blue and yellow, the crowd went wild. Then there was somebody singing, singing a kind of rock-pop song. Wait a minute. That voice sounds familiar.

I look at the person singing on the stage and my heart sinks. It literally sinks. Because Randy was on stage with a girl. He had his arms snaked around her waist and on the verge of kissing her... SHE SLAPPED HIM. Oh my... Good thing the girl still has modesty... The girl had short dora-like hair, but it looked good on her, because it framed her thin face. Oh gosh. Is that... Louise? I need to get out of here.

I run away from Denise and she grabs me by the wrist

"Adriana, leaving so soon??" she was shouting over the loud noise

"Yeah. Sorry, it's too hot."

She lets go of my hand and replies "Okay. Nice meeting you Adriana, can we just exchange numbers?"

I am not in the mood.

"Yeah sure"

And exchange numbers we did.

"Bye Denise. I really have to go, or else I'll faint"

"Oh okay. Bye, really nice to meet you"

I was pushing and shoving people out of the way. I need to get out of here, and fast.



In case you guys don't remember Louise is one of A's best friends in the earlier chapters :)


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