Chapter 31 ♡Date? NO! NOT a date.♡

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Uugghhhhh.... I have a mild case of jitters.

And I'm feeling them right now.

Were discussing our project in front of the whole class, which talks about Gross National Product.

I'm looking at our teacher, Ms. Rimorin, and it seems like she's enjoying it.

But when I look at my classmates, it's looks like we're boring the living crap outta them, except for the few who were really paying attention to the discussion.


Naaahhh just joking, I'm nice :)

That was a joke too.

"And that was the summary for GNP, thank you for listening." Belle wraps the discussion up.

The bell rang after Ms. Rimorin thanked us.

"Bye Belle-belle" I laugh.

"Bye Chan. Jackie Chan." She laughs along with me.


Louise and I met in front of the Amusement Park. I asked her yesterday night before I slept.

We chatted while we waited for Randy and his friend (Who I do not know) outside the amusement park.

"How are your studies? Is Engineering hard?" I ask.

"Pretty hard, but I can manage" she smiles. "Now tell me why you're going on a date with Randy again?"

"Date? NO! NOT a date. He just wants to hang out, that's all... is that... bad?" I ask Louise, slightly horrified because I think I made a mistake of agreeing to this.

"Uummmm... yeahhh... but.. what are you going to do about it? You already agreed to it."

"Make up an excuse?"

I jumped in surprise when Randy greeted us.

"Hey A! Hey Louise!"

"Hey guys" the guy he's with also greeted us.

"Adriana, Louise, this is Mark. Mark, meet Adriana and Louise" Randy said, pointing to the person he's referring to.

"Let go?" Mark says.

Huuuhhhh?? What the heck is he saying?

Let go?


Bil-bil (Belle-belle) is the Tagalog word for Tires. Ya know, the extra fat in the tummy, not the actual tires. :P XD

Happy New Year!

To the people who vote for every chapter...

I wuv you guysh :3 XD

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