Chapter 29 ♡Ferrero Rocher 2♡

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I made my way out of English class with Belle in hand chatting and laughing, and the dark haired douche (it's a joke) who once hurt me and is now trying to win me back is leaning on the wall opposite to the door we just went through.

"Hey A" he gave me a smile.

"Hey" I gave back an uneasy smile.

It's still a bit awkward for me...

"Want to grab a coffee with me?" He asked.

"Uuummmmm... We're pretty busy" pointing to Belle and myself.

"Oh. Next time then?"

"Ummmm... not sure too... but, we'll see" I gave him an uneasy smile

Hopefully he can sense the uneasiness and leave...

But he didn't...

"Hey A. I want to give you something..."

Ferrero Rocher.

One Ferrero Rocher.

Which sent buzzes to my tummy...

Why did my tummy buzz?

I wasn't supposed to feel that... I'm only allowed to feel like that with Luke...

Adriana. Strategy. Get away from Randy and avoid. At all costs, AVOID.

He gave me one last smile before he left.

Pheewww... *exhale*

I haven't realized that I was tense the whole time. My shoulders relaxed and my breathing returned to normal pacing.

After discussing a few things with Belle for our project, we went our seperate ways and I returned to my dorm. I know, I know... I'm boring... I'm a loser... I don't have anything else to do...

Well, I dunt kerr. (You are awesome if you understand this.)

I fish the Ferrero out of my pocket and throw it in the trash. The only Ferreros I'll be eating will be from my parents, my friends, myself, and Luke.


"Hey A!" I could hear his voice and his running footsteps coming closer...


"Yes?" I asked.

Randy was already in front of me. He looked disappointed.

"Why didn't you come?"

"What? Come where?"

He let out a sigh.

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