Chapter 14 ♡Step one of forgetting him♡

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After waking up, taking a bath, brushing my teeth and dressing up, I texted Luke and asked if he wanted to hangout

"Yo Luke!" I texted him

"Yo homie :3 :P"

"Wanna hang out?"

"Not surreee.... Unlike you, I have a REAL busy schedule :)"

"Jerk -.-"

"Hahaha. Just joking babe :* and I'm in New York remember?"

"Oh yeahh... I forgot :P Stop with the winky and kissing emoticons!"

"Why? :* ;)"

"They're the flirty type of emoticons, that's why... -.-"

"What IF I wanna flirt with you? ;)"

"Then you should stop it because now's not a really good time to be flirty with me..."

"A? Seriously?"

"Yeah. Seriously."

I was waiting for a reply, but he called me instead

"A..." He breathed out "It's already a month since he did that UNFORGIVABLE thing to you... I know you might not forget.. but please atleast try to get over him... That douche bag doesn't deserve a place in your mind and heart... By cheating on you, he proved that he's a piece of sh*t. Do you really want sh*t running through your mind, do you?"

"No... I don't" I answered

"Exactly. Now please A, just please try to forget him... Your friends will help you to be happy, your parents will help you to be happy and I'll help you to be happy... So... Can you atleast.. try to get over him?" The way he blurted out the last parts of his words were quiet. Quiet with a tone of hope and desperation

"Luke.. I... I don't know..."

"Please A. You'll never be truly happy if you'll never get over him..."

I think for a while...

He's right. Luke is right. I've been mourning too much. On what? On who? On a lying selfish bastard who broke my heart and trust.

"Alright. I'll do it"

"You will. And I'll help you do it too"

When I said yes, his tone suddenly became optimistic and happy

Alright. I'll do my best and try to forget Randy...

For me, for my friends, for my family, and for..

and for..

for Luke too...


After my little 'talk' with Luke, I decided to just rest throughout the day...

The talk made me lazyyy...

It made me go into 'Ponder mode'

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Gaahhhh.. Uggghhh... I'm such a lazy person...

*Knock knock*

"Who is iiiit?"

"Jashtine and Louise. Open up!"

"Use the key"

The Key. It's my room's key, hidden behind the painting about a... a... well, I don't know.. It's abstract art, what can I say?

Jashtine and Louise entered my room with a bag. Curious, I asked them what it was...

It was a bag of chocolates

(The bag was see through okay?)

Oh my gosh... Chocolates... My favorite!

"What the hell? That big bag? Is full of chocolates!" I shout

"Yep." They reply simultaneously

"Where did you guys get this from?"

"From someone" They look at each other and giggle

Oh my...


"Guess who" Jashtine muttered and giggled

I think it's a bit obvious...


"Nooo!! We just met him A, he's still an aqcuaintance, what the hell? But I really don't know... let me see..." she mutters, checking the tag for any names

"Oh. Who is it then? And is it for me?" I ask


I think things will start to go a little sweeter from here :)

She ain't got Randy on her mind anymoe XD :P :) Yaaayy!! :P

Anyway... Vomment? :P :)


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