Chapter 12 ♡After the concert♡

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I went to 'places' with Belle as my Chaffeur. Haha, she's my peasant (joking)

After the concert, we all just talked and talked at the blue dome, then we all decided to go to Starbucks to drink coffee, apparently, being famous means not getting to sleep for 3 days straight (or so I've heard). We drank coffee (choco drinks for me and Belle), ate cakes and just talked, I actually haven't made new friends for a long time, I mean, I was already contented with my friends, so what's the need for new friends? I'm more of a quality over quantity girl: I don't have lots of friends, but when I do, I'll make sure it'll last FOREVER

That's why I have few, but trustworthy best friends

After Starbucks, we all decided that it was already late and that the guys should catch up on some zzzzzs, Me, Belle and the lads went our seperate ways, when Belle and I reached home she said her farewell and went home too.

When I went inside the house, and in my room, I took off my clothes, changed into comfortable jersey shorts and a loose shirt and jumped and sprawled on my bed

I was almost getting ready to fall asleep...

Buzz.. Buzz..

I get up annoyed. What decent person would be texting me this time of night?

I search for my phone in my bag. there were loootts of stuff in there, it was hard to find my phone...

uggghhh the disadvantages of being a messy person...

After scrambling all of my stuff in my bag (as if it wasn't messy enough) I finally found my phone

It was a text...

From Luke...

I unlocked my phone and looked at his message

"Hey babe. Had a blast, did you too?"

after reading the text, it was then I realized that I was smiling (even though I was a tad bit annoyed at him for ruining my 'almost sleep moment') like, Crazy..

I sent him a reply

"Heck yeah I did! This day was AWESOME :D BTW, thanks for inviting us, don't forget to invite us to your next concert okay? :P"

"Of course! Forget about a hot babe like you? Never gonna happen ;)"


"Whuuut??? ;)"

"You know..."

"What? ;)"

"Flirting O.o"

"There's nothing wrong with a bit of flirting, right? ;)"

"OBVIOUSLY... No. But... Look, Luke, I just got out of a bad relationship,and I don't need this right now... You understand, right?"

"Oh Okay... Sorry for trying... But.... Do you mind if I ask you why you were so hung up on him that it almost took you a month to get over him?"

"Well, we started off as best friends, not really romantic isn't it? we were so comfortable with each other, he treated me like a freaking princess, we did new fun things together, we travelled Australia together, he gave me stuff that didn't only come from money, but also from the heart.... I just... I don't know... He just made me... fall.... damn freakin hard. Then he just left and I saw him cheating on me on our anniversary..."

"That must've been terrible for you"

"Ugh, tell me about it. What about you? Past girlfriends?"

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