Chapter 18 ♡Terror Professor♡

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I am walking down these halls- these green coloured, glossy, and unfamiliar halls

The walls are covered with 'Welcome Freshmen!' posters and some have 'Welcome back' on them

I take another sharp breath and take another look at my map

My map says go left from here

and right from there

walk straight

and turn left again

Room B was imprinted on the wooden door in front of me

and Room B is were I need to be

So I enter the room

My breath stops for a while

My nerves are getting the best of me

Try to look friendly and confident Adriana


I put on a smile and walk towards one of the seats in front

I'm not a nerd, but I also take my studies seriously ya' know...

Two seats apart from me was a girl, with a heart shaped face, glasses falling on the rim of her nose, and puffy but wavy hair, she's pretty and super white too, but she has red spots on her face, pimples?

"Hi" I politely greet her

"Haayyiiii" She smiles back

"I'm Adriana, but my friends call me A, Nice to meet ya'"

"Princess, but my friends call me Jaseline, or Jase for short"

"Do you mind if I ask buuut, Why are there red spots on your face?" I ask but I try to still look friendly.

She chuckled "Allergies"

Our little conversation was cut off when the professor slammed the door and entered the room

The once noisy room filled with buzzing students turned into a quiet room

The slamming of the doors and the growl permanently plastered on the professor's face meant only and only one thing

Terror Professor.


Damn good way to start the day, don't you think?

She started the class by introducing herself, she wrote her name on the whiteboard- Ms. Sheila Waters

But she told us, and I quote "You cannot call me Sheila, You should refer to me as Miss Waters, am I making myself clear?"

We all replied by nodding all of our heads

Fortunately, even though she looked like a terror prof., she didn't give us a surprise quiz on the first day of school

After Miss Sheila's class, I transferred to another class with a new professor,

new class, new professor,

new class, new prof.

and new class new prof.

No professors were standing out (for me) until I entered the sixth classroom

The professor was stick thin, but even though he was, he was really really jolly

His subject was math, but I think he has potential for the 'Favorite Teacher Award'

haha. just kidding. There is no such thing

By the way, in case you wanted to know, I'm taking up Bachelor of Science Business Management

He seems really cool though, so I guess I won't have any problems with his subject


The bell finally rang, signalling lunch break

Fortunately, Jaseline was in my last subject too and asked me if I wanted to hang out with her during lunch break

Of course I accepted her offer

We went to the University's cafeteria, and found ourselves a rowdy bunch of college students

There were people talking



and... fighting...

we take our seats at an empty table, Jaseline already has food with her, so I stood up alone and bought my food

I bought rice pilaf with chicken in case you wanted to know :)

when I returned to the table, 3 new people were seated there

"Hi!" the girl that looks the youngest beamed at me

"Hey there" The second one that smiled and greeted me had curly hair, a pimply face, and a beer belly, he looked really friendly though...

"Hiiiiii" the third one showed her pearly whites and greeted me; she was plus-sized, but even though she was, you would still notice her beautiful face

"Hello" I said with a wave and a smile

"Adriana, this is Sam" pointing to the younger looking girl

"Shang" pointing to the friendly-looking beer belly guy

"and Marie" pointing to the plus-sized beauty

"Hi Sam, Shang, and Marie!" I greeted them once again

This day didn't turn out bad after all


The speakers blurted out:

"Attention freshmen and not-so-fresh men, we have a back to school concert later at 7:00 PM, Did ya' hear? SEVEN O'CLOCK PM! We'll all be waiting for you freshies! Oh, and there's more, we have special guests tonight, the Rising Star of Sydney, Phantoms"

Some girls cheered and some guys wolf whistled

Who the hell are they anyway?

"Don't be a buzzkill and join tonight's concert! Woohoo!!"

And the speaker went dead..


Vote and comment? :3 Tenkyowww :3


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