Chapter 22 ♡Ferrero Rocher♡

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I woke up to the sound of someone singing- Luke to be exact.

"Luukkeee.. what are you doing?" I asked in a groggy voice

"When you look me in the eyes, and tell me that you love me everything's alright, when you're right here by my side"

"Courting you" he said in between his song and gave me a cheeky smile

"When I hold you in my arms, I know that it's forever, I just wanna let you know, I don't want to let you go, cuz' when you look me in the eyes..."

"Thanks for the morning 'harana' Luke"

"Morning what?" Luke asked with one eyebrow raised

"Harana. It's a filipino tradition where a boy woos a girl by singing to her"

"Ohhh... Harana?"

"Yeah. Harana."

"But you don't look Filipino to me, you sorta look like an Asian"

"Because I am."

"I'm confused."

"I act like a filipino, but my flesh and blood comes from China" I smiled at him

"When you put it that way, it sounds gross, but... Cool" and he smiles at me

"You're cute" I say then look at the floor because of the 'awkwardness' of my statement

"I know"

I guffaw.

"What?" Luke asks

"You're so cocky Luke" I recover from my laughing fit and sat straight up

"What?? What was I supposed to do? You complimented me!"

"Hahaha. I was expecting a simple 'thanks' but, Okay, okay..."

Luke took 3 steps towards me and grabbed something wrapped up beside him on the cabinet,

What is that?

"Here. I.. hope you like it babe" he smiles shyly at me

I look at the shape of the box... Is this..

"Ferrero?!" I shout with joy

"Maybe?" Luke jokes

I rip the wrapper off and there was the box...

But it was filled with rocks...

"Why you... little blonde shark! You gave me hope and you take it right away!"

He ran out the room and I chased him

Oh Mi Gash. Is that what I think it is?


I'm getting pretty good with the cliffhangers now, aren't I? ;) XD

Anyway, don't stop supporting this story!! :D Thank you sooooo much! For voting, for commenting, for reading! You guys don't know how much a vote or comment makes my day, don't you know that wattpad notifications on my phone are my faves? Like everytime I see a wattpad notif, I get excited and want to open Wattpad right away :D XD Anyway, I love you guys sooooo much! Thanks for contributing to the 5000+ reads on this story! xx


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