Chapter 23 ♡ SUPER sweet ♡

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What the... What met my eyes SURPRISED me

There was a huge bouquet of FERRERO ROCHER beside Luke

I don't like flowers that much, but this kind of bouquet

Me likey.

I shouted for joy.

"LUKE!!!! This is..."

"Amazing? I know." He finished my sentence for me

"Why you cocky son of a.... Gun" and I hugged him

I let him go and asked "How did you know my fave chocolate anyway?"

"That will be my little secret" and he smiled at me

"Secret, secret. I know you're getting help from my friends anyway, so why keep it a secret?"

"You know anyway, so why ask?" he laughs

"Shut up."

"Make me."

I made my way towards the bouquet and took one chocolate off and walked towards Luke.

Then I stuffed one chocolate in his mouth

"Mmmm... thwish ish hyummee" said Luke while eating the chocolate

"Are we gonna stand outside here? Or are we gonna go inside?"

"Yeah. let's go inside." Luke carried my bouquet inside, followed me to the couch and put my bouquet on the living room table

"I thought your tour lasted for a month?"

"I came back for you, babe" then he winks at me

"Hahaha. we're not even together yet."

"Yet babe, yet" I shove him playfully

"Seriously Luke, why?"

"Well, there's this new band named the Phantoms and"

"What about the Phantoms?"

"I was gettin' to it, sheesh woman, behave."
"Hahaha okayyy.. sorry, proceed."

"They are getting a bit popular too, damn bastards, they're taking half of our fanbase here in Australia, so we went back and they're trying to 'fix' the fan problem" he finger quotes this word

"Luke. I sorta discovered something ridiculous..."

"What?" His face turns serious

"My ex? Randy? He ummmm... he's the lead singer in The Phantoms"

"Damn *sshole. Hurting you then taking our fans"

"I know right? Why not continue your tour in America anyway? If you make fans in America, then you won't have a problem with your Aussie fans anymore, right?"

"That, I don't know, our manager maybe panicked a little so he immediately made us return, but our Aussie fans are super important too because we'll be doing most of our shows here in Australia, so if we don't have fans here, I doubt we can have shows outside Australia too..."

"You have a point there... Anyway, want to go somewhere?" I glance at my clock "It's still 5:24, I have 2 and a half hours to spare"

"Diner?" Luke asks

"Yes please" I smile at him "I'll get ready first, then I'll see you in a few"

"Okay" he replied with a cheeky smile


Breakfast part next time :P

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