Chapter 16 ♡What if?♡

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I woke up because of the buzzing in my pocket

My iPhone was buzzing

or ringing silently XD

It was a call from Luke

Not really a call, a facetime video call

"Hey babe" then he winks at me

"Heyyy" Now I was the one with the groggy voice (plus bed hair)

"I see you're sleeping?" He was laughing his ass off

"No, I'm awake, SEE" I was pissed off already

But when he smiled and chuckled at me...

My frown turned into a smile

Ohhh... the power of his smile

"Haha I knew it" he asked with a smirk

"Know what?"

"Nothin'" He said, smirking at me

"Whhaaatttt???" I asked cooing

"That you wuv me" he cooed

"I DO NOT!" I shouted

"Yeah you do"he teased

"I do not!" I defended

"You're denying it babe, denying will only make you fall harder"

"And how the hell did you come up with that conclusion?"

"You smile when I smile" he smiles at the screen

"The reason why I was smiling at you because you have a comical face, look at yourself in the mirror Luke; enough to make a person laugh, and a baby cry"

"I don't believe you" He gave me a playful smirk

"That's your Ego talking" I smile

He just rolls his eyes (while smiling)

"Anyway, where are you?" I ask Luke

"In Chicago, you?"

"Sydney University, College starts tomorrow, Soooo... I think I should get goingg..."

"Nooooo... Kill jooyyy... Stay and talk with me?" He flashes me one of his charming smiles- head slightly tilted, his eyes staring right at your eyes, and his smile resembling a smirk, but his mouth curved up a little bit more

"Okay okay. But not too late okay?"


"See what?" I raise my eyebrows

"That you love me"

"Good night then."

"Noooo!! Just joking Aaaaaa...."



"You're the one who likes me" I flash him a mocking smile

"Well... What if I do?"

"I don't know... What will you do?"

"I'll shower you with gifts and affection. I'll make you feel like the most important and the prettiest girl in the world" He smiles another charming smile at me

"Shut up."

"If only I was there with you right now.."

"What did you say?"

"Too bad. Won't repeat it again.."

"Fine" I pout at him

"Sometimes you act like a baby"

"And why do you care?" I raise my eyebrows again

"Nothin' just sayin'..."



"What if somebody wanted to court you? Would you let them?"

"That depends. If the guy has a chance , I'll let him, but if he doesn't, then I won't let him, I'll just get his hopes up"




Cliffhangeeerrr ♡ Vomment! :)

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