Chapter 24 ♡Break my fast♡

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We were already seated at Iceland's booths, the waitress staring at us with a cold and bored face while waiting for our order.

" ummm... umm.... I 'll have the.... the... ah... the.. the..."

"A, you want me to order first?"

"Uhh... yeah.. sure."

"I'll have the"

"WAIT!" He pauses then looks at me "I'll order for you and you'll order for me?" I raise my eyebrows suggestively

"Haha yeah sure, she'll have the... Pancakes"


He smiles devilishly "With bell peppers please"

"OH yeah? You really want to test me? OKAY." I skim through the menu

Oh. This is GOLD.

"He'll have the bitter gourd stir-fry with a scoop of ice cream please" I smiled at the waitress then she left

"Just thinking about the dishes makes me want to puke" Luke makes a disgusted face

"Me too. This wasn't a very good idea after all"

"Why did we do this??? Uggghhh it's a waste of my money."

"Waitaminit bro. Your money? Don't even think for a second that I'll let you pay for my food." I raise an eyebrow at him

"Come on! It's what gentlemen do, please let me pay for it"

"No. I refuse to let anyone pay for my food, except for my parents of course, it's their duty" I smile at him

"Just let me pay for the disgusting food, then you can pay for the regular food"

"Regular food?"

"Yeah. You know, another batch of food we'll probably order after tasting the disgusting food we ordered"

"Oh. Regular food. Anyway, What will you guys do to solve the 'Phantom Problem' ?" I make finger quotation marks

"Well, we'll make our own songs and we'll see which ones will become chart toppers, maybe?"

"You could add a bit of the 'romance element' in your concerts too, so you guys could get more girl fans, based on what I'm seeing, girl fanbases are supportive and loyal"

"Point taken. I'll make sure to tell our manager once we have another meeting"

"Okaaaaay.... let's play a teeny tiny game."

"What game?"

"We'll both take turns asking questions and we'll both answer, game?"


"Okay, first question." I start it off. "Favorite.... Show?"

"How I met your mother ,You?"

"I love cartoons. I don't usually watch other shows"

"Ya kid."

"I'm a kid stuck inside a hormonal teenager's body, what can I say?" I grin at Luke

"Hormonal? I bet you're hormonal for me" He gives me an arrogant (but sexy) smirk"

"Don't be cocky Luke" I roll my eyes at him

"I think I have the right to be" he grins

"No you don't.. shaddap!!"

"Are you indian?"

"Yes. Yes I am. Anyway... Question?"

"Oh c'mon. Even I know that's not true. Anyway, Most embarassing moment?"

"Nice question. Well, I was playing soccer with my cousins, and I haven't kicked the ball yet. So when they were staring at the ball, from afar, I ran towards the ball and kicked it and it was too late to realize that the ball was on a pool of mud... so I slipped, bathed in mud and I had to walk a few miles to get to the ladies room to change. All the way to the bathroom, all eyes were on me"


Just before Luke was about to tell his story, the waitress came and gave us our disgusting plates

Mine was a pancake, with red spots all over it

Ewww... he just had to choose bell pepper out of all the veggies, he had to choose the single most disgusting veggie EVER CREATED.

And Luke's was the bitter gourd stir-fry, and the ice cream was in a separate bowl

"Awwwww... not fair!!! Mix the icecream with the stir-fry!"

"Gross. No way in hell am I gonna eat that. The stir-fry alone makes me want to barf."

"Let's just.... have one bite so it doesn't completely go to waste, shall we?"

"Yes. Yes, we shall. Okay.. here goes nothing" he mutters then takes a bite of the stir-fry (without the icecream, unfair)

I stare at my food for a second then with no hesitation, took a bite too

It was... yummy.

I don't know if it's my hunger talking or my broken taste buds. But it was yummy, it wasn't super yummy, but it works.

I take another bite of the pancake and Luke takes another bite of his

"Enjoying your food too?" I ask

"Weird.... It's actually... appetizing.."

"I know! Mine too! Try it" I slice a bit of the pancake and offer it to Luke and he takes a bite

"Mmm... that really is yummy. All thanks to me" he gives me a cheeky grin.

"And thanks to me too! Turns out this was a good way to break my fasting after all" I smile back at him

"Break your fasting?"

"Yeah. We fast when we sleep and we break it by eating breakfast, you literally break your fasting"

"Well what do you know, I learned something new today" he smiles at me and turns back to his food.

After eating, he walked me to class.

"Sooo... where are you headed now?" I face him

"I'll probably talk with my manager... you know, try to get 5SOS back on track. Ummm... I really had fun this morning" he smiles at me ,he tips my chin up and his faces inches closer

Stop him Adriana you aren't supposed to do that yet!

I put my pointer finger on his lips. He opens his eyes and a blush rises to his cheeks

"I'm sorry Luke, I'm really a nun, if you get what I mean, like, no kisses on the lips until marriage and stuff like that..."

"I should be the one saying sorry, I didn't mean to rush you or anything..." he's looking down with a faint blush on his cheeks

"It's alright too" I give him a reassuring smile "I had fun too" I don't know what took over me but hugged him "Bye Luke" Now it was my turn to blush

I open our classroom door and the terror teacher was in front. With a growl on her face "Good morning miss Chan, please take a seat" What? Seriously? She let me off that easy for being late? Something seems... wrong. She immediately went back to her discussion after I took a seat.

Maybe she's not that 'I want to humiliate my students to boost my self esteem or to make them fear me' kind of teacher. I was starting to gain respect for her...

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