Chapter 25 ♡Stupidity?♡

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After class, I approached miss Waters amd asked "Miss Waters, are you mad at me for being late?"

"Of course not, being late is not a problem for me, the student must practice his or her own self-discipline, and besides, what's more important is if he or she listens in class, not if he or she is late or not, but I expect you to have a little more discipline next time, okay?"

"Okay ma'am, good day" I smiled at her and left.

She definitely gained my respect.


I entered my room and there he was, sitting with a sincere look on his face

How could he look so sincere and pitiful after he cheated on me? How could the feelings come back to me after he hurt me? Why am I being so stupid?

"Adriana. I just want to talk. Please."

After a moment of hesitation...

"Talk." I said with a scowl.

"The person I kissed that day, was a celebrity, and the kiss was just a publicity stunt, to make our band famous... Well, I was being a team player, Mark, Liam and Teanu wanted me to do it, and in the music industry, if the lead singer is famous, so is the band, that's why Mark, Liam and Teanu couldn't do it, because it wouldn't work. When we were sitting at the park, we caught the paparazzi's attention and I thought that I was supposed to act like a couple with the actress only , but what I didn't know was that she'll go to extremes to make it look real, so when the Papparazzi's came, she kissed me and I didn't back out because it was for the team, it was for the band. I'm just super sorry for doing that Adriana, I knew how much it hurt you, and it hurt me to think that I was the one responsible for your pain. I'm just really really sorry. I know we can't be a couple right away again, but I'm willing to work for it to go back to the way it was before. So.. A? Will you forgive me?" He was wearing a faint smile

He isn't that bad after all...

Shall I forgive him?

My brain was telling me:
"No Adriana! He's tricking you! Don't be so gullible!"

But my heart was telling me that it's time to forgive and forget... It was for their band anyway...

I don't answer right away. I can't be his girlfriend anymore. And... He hurt me. I already have Luke, I would be hurting him if I get back with Randy again.

"I forgive you, but I doubt we'll be a couple again. I already have a suitor and he's really serious and I... see a future with him... And you.. Hurt me..."

"And I promise that if you give me another chance, I will make it up to you and never hurt you for the rest of our lives.."

"Did you not hear me? I have a suitor and it's serious Randy."

"That won't stop me from trying though" he smiles.

His smile sent butterflies in my tummy too. But not as wild and many as the butterflies Luke's been giving me.

I gave him a half-hearted smile.

"Okay A. I'll be leaving, see you soon?"

"Yeah. See you" I led him towards the room and closed the door after he left.

Well, I'm glad the break-up is out of the way...

But... Why do I feel like I was.... Tricked?

Was I? Tricked or not, it's God's command to forgive other people for their wrong doings... I might not trust him anymore... But one thing I should at least do is to forgive him...

I texted Luke and told him what happened.

"Hey. Guess what?"

"What? :)"

"Randy explained the reason why he cheated, and apologized, and I forgave him"

Why did my text make me feel stupid? He explained, apologized, and I... forgave him? All of a sudden? After all he has done? I pushed my depressing thoughts away and just focused on the good part, at least we're good already...

"So you're..."

"I'm what?"

He doesn't reply.

That's weird.

Quick question guys: To all the Aussies reading this, is it cold in Australia? Like, Canada cold? Or just mildly cold? Or not cold at all? Thanks lovelies ♡

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