Chapter 42

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"Emily, wake up." I hear Alaric say while I was being shaken.

"What?" I ask opening my eyes.

"Get up. I'm going to train both you and Elena today." I sit up and look at my clock.

"Alaric, it's five o'clock in the morning." I whine

"Look at your neck, Emily. You've been bitten. You were lucky you survived. I'm not leting you go through that again. You need to learn how defend yourself."

"I did defend myself."

"That didn't stop Stefan, did it?"

"How did you know it was Stefan?"

"Elena told Damon and he told me."

"Stefan wouldn't have bit me if we wasn't compelled by an orginal to do it."

"Get ready. Elena is wating downstairs." Alaric walks out of the room and I change. I wore gray sweats and a t-shirt. I walked downstairs and we head into the car. Alaric drove us in the middle of the woods. He pulled out a manakin and leaned it against a tree putting on a gadget that had stakes.

"First lesson." He punched the manakin in the heart and the stakes plunged in. "So the pressure of your punch ejects the stakes.

"Easy enough." Elena says. She got in her stance and punched the manakin, but the stakes didn't go through it. She punched it again but it didn't work. "Must be jammed or something."

"You're not strong enough." Alaric says. "Emily you try." Alric took off the gadget from his wrist and gave it to me. I strapped it on. I stood in my stance and punched the manakin making the stakes go through, but not as much as Alaric's.

"Good, but not good enough." Alaric says

"I've staked a vampire before and it was good enough." I state. He ignored my comment.

"Both of you need to start lifting weights, put some meat on your bones."

"Thank's for not sugar-coating it." Elena says

"You know what this is?" He asked lifting a grenade up.

"Yeah, it's a vervain grenade."I answer

"I've used one before." Elena adds.

"Then you know the element of suprise is your only advantage when it comes to a vampire."Alaric activates the grenade and tosses it at Elena.

"Suprise." He says

"Oh my god." Elena quickly throws it and it explodes. "This isn't a joke to me, Ric." She says taking off the gadget.

"You think I'm joking? Vampires will take whatever they want, they will hurt whoever they want, and they'll do it without remorse. It's their nature." Alaric responds.

"You don't have to use pronouns. You can say Stefan."

"Look I know why you wanted to do this. Stefan hurt you, the both of you, and you dont want it to happen again."

"But you think Im crazy to believe that I can protect myself from a vampire who's flipped the switch on his humanity."

"I think you found a way to get out of bed this morning and that makes you the strongest person. I think you can do pretty much anything." He handed Elena back her gadget.

Soon it was time for Elena to go. Today was her first day back at school as a senior. I decided to go and hang out with Damon since I had nothing better to do. I walked into his house and called for him. I hear giggling in the living room and I make my way over there. When I get there, I was shocked at what I was seeing. Stefan was on the couch and not only that. Four girls had blood dripping everywhere and they were playing Twister.

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