Chapter 59

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We ran upstairs and Stefan and Bonnie were sitting next to the newborn vampire.

"What's going on?" Damon says.

"I'm a vampire, Damon." Elena says

"I know. And you want Bonnie to do a spell so you don't have to be one?" He asks

"I don't want to be a vampire." Elena says

"You either drink blood and complete the transition or you don't drink blood and die. There is no door number three." Damon explains.

"Elena, I know that you don't want to be a vampire and I don't either but there's no other choice but death." I say

"Wait! Your a vampire too?" Elena asks. Bonnie, Stefan, and Elena looked at me in confusion and shock.

"How?" Bonnie asks

"She came to me when she found out that I was going to die. Alaric was there and I didn't protect her good enough. Alaric killed and she had my blood in her system." Damon says.

When Damon said the word blood. I heard blood pumping and I started to feel the craving. I looked at Bonnie. No! No! I can fight it. I felt my fangs pop out and I closed my eyes trying to fight it but it was too strong.

"Damon I need to leave." I say.

"C'mon." Damon grabs me and gets me out of the house. "You need blood and I'm going to teach you how to hunt." We walked into town and he brought me to an alley. "Stay here." Damon says. He left for awhile and came back with a human. "I already compelled her so go ahead."

My eyes turned red and my veins grew under my eyes and my fangs popped out. I grabbed the humans neck and sunk my teeth into her delicate skin. I tasted blood and I wanted more. I kept drinking and drinking.

"Emily stop." Damon says.

I couldn't stop. I tried but I just wanted more and more. Damon pulled me off before I could kill the human. He gave he/she his blood. I didn't see if it was a girl or boy.

"Emily, you need to learn to stop. If you drink human blood, you can't kill them because it only causes problems and Sheriff has to keep reporting animal attacks." Damon says

"I'm a vampire." I say looking at Damon.

He just laughed,"You're a vampire."

I gave him a kiss. Right then, I felt pain in my back and I felt weak. "Emily!" Damon says

An arrow came toward Damin but he caught it. There were five men coming our way with weapons. I felt dizzy and blackness consumed me.


I wake up and start coughing and coughing. I open my eyes and see that I'm in a cell. I get up and try looking for someone nearby. I grabbed the bar hoping to break them but instead my hands burned. "Ah!" My hands were red but they were healing. "Hello! Is anybody in here?" I shout.

A door opens and Stefan is being dragged in by two men.
"Stefan!" I shout.

"Emily?" Stefan says weakly. The men dragged him into the cell in front of me. The men left.

"Stefan, why are we here? Where's Damon?" I ask.

"I don't know where Damon is. But Liz (aka Sheriff Forbes) lost her job and Carol Lockwood was arrested because Alaric told the whole council that Tyler is a werwolf and Caroline is a vampire. Now there are new council members and they are out to kill vampires and werwolves. Elena is in the house next door with the new Head of the Council. He thinks she's human." Stefan explained.

The door opened again and Rebekah was dragged in and was put in the cell next to me. When we were left alone, I asked,"Rebekah how did they get you?"

"They vervained me and Caroline. They were going to bring us here but Klaus came to save Caroline so I'm here." Rebekah says.

"Klaus is alive?" I ask

"Yes, he's in Tyler's body. He never died." Rebekah says

The door opens again revealing Elena. She's put into a cell next to Stefan. She looked terrible. Her face was really really pale and she looked sick.

"Elena, you need blood." I say. "You're dying. How are we going to get her blood?" I ask.

"Hey!" Stefan yells. "hey!" A man came through the doors.

"What?" The man says keeping a good distance from Stefan.

"You need to help her." Stefan says pointing to Elena.

"She's a vampire. No way!" The man says.

Rebekah hissed at the guy making him back up close enough to where Stefan could grab him. Stefan cracked the mans head against the cell and threw him in front of Elena's cell. Elena reaches out to the man. She touches the blood and licks it off of her fingers. She grabbed the man and drank him dry. She was strong enough to break the cell bars. She got us out and we ran out. I saw Damon and Matt. Damon was about to kill Matt. I grabbed Damon and Elena grabbed Matt.

"What are you doing?" Elena asks angry.

"I'm trying to get Pastor Young out of the house so I can kill him." Damon says.

Pastor Young is the new head of the council.

"C'mon lets go!" Elena says. We leave.

Elena and Stefan went somewhere and Damon and I went to the Salvatore house.

"Emily, I wanted to give you this." Damon says handing me a ring.

"What's this?" I ask

"Daylight ring. I had Bonnie make one for you. " he says putting it on my finger.

"Thank you." I say hugging him. "It's late. I should probably get home. Alaric is probably-." I stopped talking.

Damon looked at me sadly. "Emily." he says bringing. Me into another hug. I cried. I couldn't stop. Like Damon said, my feeling were heightened. Right now, I wish that I was human so Damon could just take the pain away with compulsion. I don't want to suffer this pain.

"I want to have a funeral for him." I say

"Anything for you. We will do it tomorrow." Damon says. "You can stay in your old room." Damon says.

I head up to my old room and cry in my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Alaric. As hard as I tried, memories flooded in my head.

I remembered when Alaric saved me from that vampire a long time ago when we were searching for Klaus. I remember when Alaric saved me from that car that exploded. I remember when Alaric took me in when I needed a place to stay. I remember all the good times we had together.

It killed me inside remembering all these things.

I didn't sleep at all that night.

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