Chapter 38

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at the clock and it read 6:45 am.

"6:45 in the morning?" I whine. I closed my eyes and tried going back to sleep. It didn't work. I couldn't fall asleep. Why? Ugghh! This is the earliest I've ever woken.

I jump out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I brush my hair and my teeth. I could hear Alaric snoring in the other room. The bathroom is connected to both Alaric's and my bedroom. The bad thing about it is that I hear everything that happens in his room and he can hear everything in my room. It's terrible! I always try to sleep before Alaric because if not, I'll end up staying awake because of his loud snoring.

I walk to my room and change into black skinny jeans and a gray t-shirt. I slip on my Vans and head out the door. I don't want to stay in my room for hours waiting for Alaric to wake up. I took Alaric's keys and entered the car. I turn it on and back out of the driveway. I drive into town and parked my car. I walk into random stores looking around.

Right now I'm in an antique store. I'm looking at a picture of World War II. I look at the soldiers. There faces all dirty from fighting. I looked at each soldier and I came upon a face that was familiar. I looked closer and realized it was Stefan! Stefan was in World War II? He never mentoned that. Well he really didn't need to tell me, I guess its not that important. I exited the store and accidently ran into someone making, whatever they were holding, fall.

"Oh, sorry." I say picking up the bags the person dropped.

"Sorry." A girl picks up some bags too. I handed her the bags that I picked up. "Thanks."

"No problem. I'm Emily."

"Luna. Nice to meet you." She shakes my hand.

"Luna is a unique name."

"My mom gave it to me. She said I was born on a full moon so she named me Luna, which translates to moon in Spanish."

"That's cool! you need help with those bags?" I ask. She had like eight shopping bags in her hands.

"Sure. I'm heading to my car. It's only a few cars down." She handed me four bags so we both had the same amount of bags. We walked down the sidewalk to her car.

I heard my phone ring. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and answered it.


"Hey, I think I may know where Stefan and Klaus might be." Damon says.


"Where are you?" He asked

"Down the street from the Grill."

"I'll be there soon." He hung up.

We finally made it to Luna's car. She opened the back door and we set the bags down.

"You really love shopping." I say.

"Yeah, I love it! What about you?"

"I'm not that big of a fan but I still do it. So are you shopping for an occasion?" I ask as she shuts the door.

"Well my house got burnt down so I need to get more clothes."

"Wow, that's crazy. Where did you live?"


"I was in Tennessee yesterday." I say. Why did I say that?

"Why were you doing there?" She asks

"I was looking for a friend."

"Did you find your friend?"


"Is he missing?"


"What was his name?"

"Stefan." Why didn't I make up a name?

She looked a little scared by my answer which made me curious.

"Why were you looking for Stefan in Tennessee?"

"Because we traced a call. Why do you look scared?"

"Im not scared." She lies.

"Do you know Stefan?" I ask.

"No. I don't a Stefan." she answers.

"Hey, Emily." Damon says coming up behind me.

"Hey." I say," This is Luna. Luna this is Damon." I introduce.

They both said 'hi'.

"Nice ring. Where did you get it?" Luna asked Damon.

Damon looked at his ring and back at Luna,"It was a gift." Damon answers.

"Can I see it?" She asks. Damon put his hand in a fist and showed her. "Can you take it off?" At this point she seemed very sketchy.

"I don't like taking it off. It really makes me uncomfortable."

"I understand." she says,"Well it's nice meeting you, Damon and you too, Emily. I hope to see you around." Luna entered her car and left.

"I don't like that girl." Damon says.

"That was weird. Anyways, so how did you find out where Stefan and Klaus were?" I ask

"Katherine called me and decided to help out for once. She said that they are heading for Chicago."

"Why are we trusting her?"

"I don't know, but it's worth a try."

"Alright, well I have to go to Alaric and return his car."

"I'm picking up Elena and I'll pick you up."

"Alright." I give Damon a kiss and we head our separate ways.

I drive back to the house and find Alaric on the couch. "Morning." I say.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Out. So, Damon, Elena, and I are going to Chicago to find Stefan."

"Please be careful."

"I will." I sit down next to Alaric on the couch.

"What are you doing sitting on the couch? Aren't you suppose to be leaving?" Alaric asks.

"I have to wait for Damon."

"Oh I see. Well, watch the news with me."

Alaric and I watched the news and something interesting came on.

"Ten campers were found dead in Tennessee. They all were covered in blood. Police believe this was caused by a vicious animal." The news reporter lady said. "Back to you Jeff."

"I'm here on the scene and as you see...."

Alaric and I look at each other. I looked at the background where the scene happened. "Is that where we were yesterday?" I ask.

"It is. All those people look exactly like the hybrid we saw. Klaus' hybrids are dying. He can't make any." Alaric says.

"But why?"

"I don't know."

I hear a beep outside which tells me Damon is here. "Maybe I can get that answer in Chicago. Bye,Alaric."


I head outside and jump into the backseat of the car.

"Hey, Elena!" I say


Damon drove out of the driveway and started headed for Chicago.

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