Chapter 21

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Elena and Stefan have been keeping up the act about them "fighting". Sometimes I think it's real which is a good thing.
Today there is a picnic and everyone will be there. I love how Mystic Falls has things like this where everyone can just come together and have a good time. When I arrived, I noticed Stefan talking to Mason. I walked up to Stefan right after Mason left.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"I don't want Damon to get in any wolf trouble so I made a truce with Mason."
"He agreed?"
"Well not at first, but he knows that he isn't stronger than Damon and I."
"I know what you mean. Do you think he is really gonna forgive Damon?"
"I hope so. If not than there is going to be a lot of trouble."
"And we don't want that. Um, I'm gonna help Elena and Caroline paint." I walk away and join the girls.
"Hey, girls." I say.
"Hey." they answer.
"I'm just gonna join you guys." I notice Elena looking at Stefan. Caroline and i exchanged looks.
"Stop staring at him."
"I'm gonna talk to him." Elena leaves before we could stopped her.
I watch as they 'fought'. Its so weird seeing them like that. Fighting. I know it's not real, but they make it so real.
Elena walked back over to Caroline and I and went back to painting. Caroline and Elena went back to work and I watched as Stefan approached Mason and Damon. It didn't look like anything was wrong, but who knows. Mason left and Stefan talked with Damon. a little girl offered them a cup of lemonade. Damon grabbed one and started drinking it. Suddenly, he spit it out and started choking.
Stefan tries to help Damon. I notice Sheriff Forbes watching them suspiciously. There was something about the way she watched them. I think she might know. I look back at Damon and he was pissed. They both headed toward the forest.
This is not good.
I turned toward Caroline and saw nothing. I looked at Elena and she wasn't there either. They must have left and I not notice.
I followed quickly towards the woods. I hear bullets being shot not far ahead. I start running and I saw policemen and Sheriff carrying Stefan and Damon away. I knew she knew something. I followed close behind, but where no one can see me. Mason was there. he was leading them somewhere.
They went into some underground place. I hid and I knew if I went in there, I would get caught. I tried my best to hear. I could barely hear, but it was bearable.
I hear someone coming and I hide. It was Mason. he was leaving, then he stopped. He turned around and saw me. He grabbed me pulled me out of where I was hiding.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Get out of here." he demanded.
"No, you can't make me. Leave me alone."
"I don't want to hurt you, Emily."
"Watch yourself, Lockwood." I hear behind me. It was Caroline and Elena.
"What's going on? Where's Stefan and Damon?" Elena asks.
"Why don't you mind your own business."
"Whatever involves my mom is my business." Caroline says furiously.
"Does your mom even know what your are?" Mason asked only making her even more furious. Caroline punched Mason HARD. Mason falls unconscious.
We then hear gunshots. We ran to the entrance seeing Caroline. She was using her hearing and told us that they were gonna kill Stefan and Damon.
"Caroline, c'mon." I say.
"I don't want my mom to see who I am."
Elena and I ran down the stairs. We ran in front the scene. "We aren't gonna let you kill them." I yell.
Then, I hear a someone run by me. Someone was here. A vampire. One by one deputies were being attacked. Caroline, then, appeared in front of her mom with a bloody face. Sheriff Forbes was shocked.
I run and help Damon and Stefan.
"Give me blood." he said pointing to a deputy. I dragged the man to Damon even though it was wrong, but they could die. I drag one to Stefan,but he refuses.
"Stefan you need to. You need to heal." He refused again. I gave up. Caroline was trying to talk to her mom, but she wouldn't listen.
"Damon just kill me." Sheriff says. I was shocked. Who would say that in front of their own daughter. I felt so bad for Caroline. Damon took her to the house. Elena and I helped Stefan back to the house.
Stefan grabbed a blood bag.
"Stefan what are you doing?" I ask.
"I need a small amount of blood each day to build my strength up so I can face Katherine."
"I don't think that'll work."
"She takes a bit of vervain everyday to be immune from it. I can to it human blood."
"Alright. I'm gonna help you get through this, but can you control it?" 

"I don't know, I need to try."

"Ok. I trust you." I grab a knife from a drawer and slit my palm.

"What are you doing?" Stefan's veins popped out and his eyes became red.

"Stefan, I trust that you can control yourself so here. Drink my blood. A little a day." I offered my hand.

He took my hand and drank a little bit before he quickly stopped himself.

"Good." I say. He bit his wrist and gave his blood so my hand could heal.

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