Chapter 58

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Damon's POV

Neither Elena nor Emily have waken. I'm starting to get worried. I should have protected Emily better. She probably doesn't even want to be a vampire. Now she has no choice.

"HUH" I hear Emily gasp.

Emily's POV

"HUH!" I gasp. I jump up and looked around. Where am I?! What's going on!?

"It's okay, it's Okay. I'm here." Damon says standing in front of me.

"Damon, what happened? Everything went dark and then I went-........Damon am I dead?" I ask freaking out.

"Calm down. Last night....Alaric killed you but you had vampire blood in your system."

"I'm a vampire?!"

"Yes, Emily."

I started feeling really sad and I started crying. "Why am I crying?" I ask Damon. I really don't know why I'm crying.

"You emotions are heightened right now. It's okay. You need blood." Damon says

"I'm hungry." I say suddenly having this urge to feed. I have a huge craving for blood and I could feel my fangs pop out and my eyes turn red and the veins come under my eyes. I could smell blood outside the room. It was strong and it made my hunger worse.

"Wait! Not here in public. Lets go to my house and we can get you some blood." Damon says.

"I need it now!" I say running out of the room. Damon (in vampire speed) grabbed me and took me out of the hospital. He took me in the woods where I couldn't smell the blood.

"Emily, you need to control it."

"I can't. I need it. I'm hungry!" I started getting very very angry.

"Ok close your eyes." Damon says calmly "take a deep breath. Take my hand and follow me." Damon led me through the forest as we ran. We stopped and then I noticed that we were at the Salvatore house. We walked in and I could hear people talking upstairs.

"Elena's a vampire?" I ask

"Yes, She ran off a bridge and drowned. Meredith gave her vampire blood when Elena had a 'concussion'"

"She wants Bonnie to do a spell to make her human again." I say hearing the conversation upstairs.

"What?" We both ran upstairs to hear the conversation.

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