Chapter 26

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I went over to Elena's house because Bonnie, Elena, and I were going to talk about getting Stefan out.

"Isn't there a spell to get Stefan, but keep Katherine in."

"I don't know."

"We have to get Stefan out of that tomb." Elena days

"I'll figure it out. Maybe one of my Grams grimoires have a spell." Bonnie puts the moonstone in her purse and Bonnie and I were heading downstairs.

"Where are you guys going?" Elena asks.

"We need to find a way to fix this." I say.

"I'm coming." Bonnie and I exchange looks. "What?" Bonnie and I stepped out of her house. Elena went to walk out her house but she was trapped in.

"Sorry." Bonnie says.

Bonnie left to go to Luca's house. Luca was the guy who helped Bonnie do the spell at the tomb.

I went to the Mystic Grill to go discuss with Alaric and Damon. I arrived at the grill and sat with the guys.

"So there's been a lot of fliers going around about Mason missing. Recently a girl named Jules came into town. She knew Mason and Tyler." Alaric explains

"Is she a werewolf?" I ask.

"That's what we need to find out." Damon says

"Ok well the only way to do that is if we use wolfsbane. Damon use your little charm and buy her a drink. If you epically fail then Alaric and I will jump in." I plan.

Damon walked to the bar and sat next to Jules. Alaric and I sat close enough where we could here.

"I haven't seen you around. Are you new in town?" Damon asks.

"Yes. I came to visit some friends." She answered.

"I'm Damon."


"Why don't I buy you a drink." He grabbed a drink and handed it to her. She went to take a sip but immediately slammed her cup down.

"Your a fool if you think you can trick my into drinking this."

"You know Mason. He's long dead. I killed him so I suggest you leave town."

"You shouldn't pick a fight with me on a full moon. You better watch yourself." Jules stands up and leaves. Once she's gone, I walk up to him and shove him.

"Hey! Watch yourself. The plan failed. She knew about the wolfsbane."

"That's doesn't give you a reason to tell her about Mason. Your her target now on a full moon. She obviously a werewolf."

"That was stupid." Alaric agrees.

"Let's just get home before anything else happens."

When we arrive home, I walked into the living room where I saw a werewolf. It charged at me. It knocked me over. It growled. It went I bite me when it was shoved off by Damon. I stood up and back away. Damon struggled with it. Rose came and pulled it off of Damon. The werewolf jumped out of her grip and did not hesitate to bite her. Damon stabbed it and it ran off.

Damon went to Rose. He checked the bite but it was healed.

"Blood." Damon said. Rose and Damon's eyes fell on me. That's when I felt the pain on my stomach. I lifted my shirt and it showed a huge scratch. The werewolf probably did that when it was shoved off of me.
A lot of blood was gushing onto the floor. Immediately I felt weak and fell to my knees.

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