Chapter 54

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"We have to lock you up. When your 'evil you' comes out, we can ask him where the stake is." I explain to Ric.

"I'll watch over him while you guys go get Jeremy." Stefan volunteers.

Damon, Elena, and I got into the car and headed to Jeremy.
Bonnie told us that Klaus had Kol go to Jeremy because if Bonnie refused to do the undo the spell, Kol would kill Jeremy. Now, we are on our way to get Jeremy so he can be safe with us.

We found Jeremy at a batting cage.

"Jeremy." Elena says hugging him.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" He asks smiling.

"We need your help. We need you to contact Rose and ask her who turned her into a vampire so we can figure out the Salvatore bloodline." I say.

"Ok. Let's go." We were heading out til Kol interrupted us.

"Hey, Kol. What's up?" Jeremy says.

"Hello, mate." Kol answers.

"You know him?" Damon asks.

"Yeah, he's my friend." Jeremy answers.

"Jeremy, he's an Original. Klaus's brother." I say


Damon grabbed a wooden bat, breaking it in half and stakes Kol. We ran off.

We got into the car and tried to find a hotel to stay in. We found one and went into our room.

"Can you contact Rose?" I ask.

"I need some sort of memory to summon her." Jeremy says.

"Before Rose died, I made her have a good dream." Damon says.

"Ok." Jeremy closed his eyes for a second. He opened them saying,"She's here."

"Ask her about the bloodline." Elena says.

"She says that she doesn't know her bloodline. An Original didn't turn her, a lady named Mary did."

"Thank you. We can search for her tomorrow." Damon says.

Elena and Jeremy went to go get some food from the kitchen in the first floor. I laid in one of the beds. Damon came out of the bathroom and laid next to me.

"Why don't you let people see the good in you?" I ask Damon.

"When people see good, they expect good and I don't want to live up to anybody's expectations." Damon answers.

I got out of bed and walked out the room. Damon followed me. I walked down a hall and stopped. I turned around to see Damon confused. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss.
He didn't hesitate to kiss back. he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He back me up into a wall and we were in this position or awhile.

We heard something and we both stopped and saw Elena and Jeremy going into the room.

"Let's go." I say. We go back into the hotel room.

Stefan's POV

"Why is it taking so long for you to turn into your psyche alter ego?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe you need to trigger it by threatening me." Alaric says.

That's when I punched him. "Did it work?" I ask.

"No." Alaric groans "Again."

I give another good blow. Then another. Then another.

Alaric started laughing and I knew that his evil side turned.

"You want to know where the sake is?" He asks

"Where is it?"

"Too bad you can't get it. It's in the Lockwood cave." Alaric says.

"Well your going to help me get it." I took him out of the cell and took him to the cave. "Go get it and come back." I demand.

Alaric goes in. I wait for awhile then everything went black.

Emily's POV

Rose told us the were Mary lives. we arrive at her house. We knocked on the door but nobody answered. Damon walked in and we found her dead.

"Oh, we're you hoping to find Mary alive? I'm sorry." Kol says.

Damon attacked him but Kol hit him with a bat. He broke it and stabbed Damon. "Hurts doesn't it?" Kol says before leaving.

I help Damon get the stake out of him. "Lets go. It's a dead end."

Evil Alaric POV

I made it to the end of the cave and grabbed the stake. I went to leave but Rebekah showed up.

"Only one Original has to die, if you help me, I'll make sure it's not you." I say.

"I don't want just one dead." she says. "I want them all dead."


If it wasn't clear Esther is in Rebekah's body. Esther to Rebekah and took over body.

I hope your liking it so far!




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