Chapter 18

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Emily P.O.V.

I was standing behind Damon as he talked to Elena.

"We have something going on between us. I know your feelings for me." Damon says.

"Damon, I never loved you. I love Stefan."

Damon didn't say anything. I could tell he was heartbroken. Jeremy walks in confused. Damon grabbed him and had his neck in his hands. "Jeremy I can take all the pain away. I can turn you into a vampire." then snapped his neck. He dropped his body to the ground.

"No!" Elena yelled. She fell to the floor crying. I couldn't let anything out because Damon compelled me to be quiet. I run to Elena and looks at him with anger. I hugged her, rubbing her back. Not long after, without thinking yelled,"How could you?!"

Good thing he only compelled me for five minutes. He vanished before answering my question. I was so gonna get him later.

"He's dead!" Elena sobbed. "He's gone!"

"I'm so sorry, Elena." I looked down at Jeremy, his lifeless body. How was Elena gonna get over this? She has already lost her parents. Now her brother.

I noticed something that made me sigh in relief. "The Gilbert ring." I say. Elena looked confused. She looked down at Jeremy's fingers and there was the life saving ring. "It's gonna be ok, Elena. He's gonna live."

"I hate him, Emily. I hate him so much!" Elena said angrily.

"I do too, Elena." I agree. "He had no right to do that."

Jeremy jumped and gasped opening his eyes. Elena and I both hugged him. He hugged us back.

"We thought you were gone, Jeremy." I say.

"Are you okay?" Elena asks.

"Yeah I'm fine." he answers.

~Next night~

Tonight was the carnival. Elena and I went together. We met Stefan there.

"Hey, Stefan." Elena says waking to him giving him a kiss.

"I'm gonna leave you two." I say walking away. I walk around looking for anyone I know. I looked around and saw a familiar blonde. I ran to her,"Hey Caroline!" I say.

"Please. I don't wanna hurt you, Emily." she backed away from me.

"What? what are you talking about?" I ask. Why would she hurt me.

Then the veins under her eyes and fangs popped out making her eyes turn red. She started to panic and ran off. I couldn't move. Caroline is a vampire!? But how? She was in the hospital.

I needed to find Stefan and Elena. I called Stefan and he answered.

"Hello?" I hear him say.

"Stefan, where are you?" I ask.

"At the Ferris wheel. What's wrong?"

"We have a vampire problem. I'm coming to you."

"Alright." I hung up rushing to the Stefan and Elena.

I saw them and ran to them. Before I could say anything Stefan's phone ringed.

"Hello?.......ok........we'll be there in a minute." he hung up.

"We need to go to the school." he said. We all went inside the high school and met Damon in a classroom.

"It's about time you guys came." I rolled my eyes. We all stood in a circle and I began.

Your My Weakness [Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora