Chapter 40

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I wake up not feeling Damon next to me. I sit up and rub my face. I sigh and lay back down. I cover myself with the warm blankets and try going back to sleep.

"No you don't. Get up. It's 12." Damon says ripping the blankets off of me.

"Damon," I whine."Just give me another hour."

"No get up. You are going to live your life out of this room. Elena and I are making chilli for the founders party and you are going to help us so get up."

"You two can make it while I sleep."

"No get up. Alaric's on his way." I ignore him and try going back to sleep. "Don't make me force you up."

"I'll be down in a minute. Let me get changed." I say sitting up in bed. I get out of bed and kick Damon out of my room.

I go to my drawers and open them seeing nothing. "I have no clothes here."

"I was wondering when you were going to figure that out." I hear Damon from he other side of the door."Alaric is bringing clothes for you. He just arrived. I'll be right back." Less than a minute later, I hear a knock at my door. I open it and see Damon with my clothes. I grab them and close the door. I change and run my fingers through my hair since i didnt have a brush. I walk downstairs seeing Alaric, Elena, and Damon making chilli.

"I dont know why we are bringing chilli. Everyone brings chilli." Damon says.

"Goodmorning, sunshine." Alaric says.

"Morning." I answer.

"So what time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?" Elena asks Alaric.

"Uh. Those founders parties aren't really my thing." He repies

"Show up. There's going to be nine other people that brought chilli." Damon says

"It's an old family recipe,ok?" Elena responds

"Yeah I know. I knew your old family. They make sucky chilli."

"Damon, why do you have to be so rude." I say.

"Im not. Just talking truth."

"So why are you here, Elena. Not being rude or anything." Alaric asks

"Damon thinks I'm going to break since I wasted my whole entire summer looking for someone who didnt want to be found."

"She's in denial." Damon whispers loudly.

"Im not in denial."

"No? Your still wearing the necklace Stefan gave you a long time ago. Isnt this the reminder of your unbreakable bond with Stefan?" Damon asks

Elena looked down and the doorbell rang. "I'll answer it." Elena says leaving the room. I walk with Elena and see Caroline at the door.

"I brought gifts." Caroline says in her cheery voice. She had a bowl in her hand.

"Please tell me thats not chilli." Elena says. Caroline walks in and Bonnie comes out of nowhere.

"Im back!" She yells. Elena and I rush and give her a hug. "I leave town for the summer and everything goes to hell for you guys." Bonnie says in a serious voice.

"Yeah but we've moved on." I answer.

"Sorry to interupt but we got to get out of the house so please move out the way." Damon says passing through with Alaric.

"I certainly don't miss you, Damon." Bonnie replies with a fake smile.

"Back at you." Damon says also giving a fake smile as he walked out of the house.

Your My Weakness [Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن