Chapter 1

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I drive to Mystic Falls praying that I will get some peace. I left New York because I couldn't handle my family anymore. I was a disappointment.

I never worked at the family restaurant, which upsets my dad. I didn't do perfect in school, which upsets my mom. I always did something to tick my parents off. After my parents called me a disappointment, I left. If I was such a disappointment, then I might as well leave and not 'disappoint' them anymore. I lived in a hotel for several months before I decided buy a house,here, in Mystic Falls.

I made it to Mystic Falls and drove to the house I bought. I only had furniture in the house, so I'm gonna have to go shopping. I parked my car and walked inside my house. I went to the living room and sat down on my couch. I took and deep breath and I looked at the clock. It was half past six. I'm exhausted. I close my eyes and think of all that's happened. I can't believe I've made this far. I thought I was gonna go crawling back to the house with my mom and dad. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think I could go back. Especially after what was said. I wish my life was normal: happy family, good life. I guess that's too much to ask for.

I hope tomorrow is a better day. A day where everything can just disappear and I can live my new life.

New life.

I let that word sink in a bit. I'm living a new life. Maybe I should change my name. Maybe change myself completely. I like that idea. I should change my name to Marina. I could be the shy girl. I could change my hair and-. I'm getting to overly excited. I need to rest.

I walk to my room and plop on my bed. I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

~The Next Morning~

I open my eyes seeing peach coloured walls. My heart started to race a bit before I realised that I moved into the house. I always seem to forget about running away. I lifted myself up so I was sitting in the bed. I stretched out to wake myself up a bit. I stood up from the bed and walked to the kitchen. I opened the cabinets seeing nothing, but empty shelves. Well there's another thing to add to my shopping list.

I groan knowing I was gonna have to get changed and eat out somewhere. I grab my keys and open my car. Good thing I packed some clothes and other things. I carry the big bag into the house and start digging inside. I pull out a random shirt and black skinny jeans . I change and look in the mirror. I was wearing a Gray long sleeve shirt that barely hung off my right shoulder. I let my hair down. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and I go into the bathroom. When I finished brushing my teeth I put my vans on. I grabbed my keys and headed toward my car.

I drove around town looking for a place to eat. Once I found one, I parked my car and entered. I was sat down at a table and I ordered my food and drink. After I finished, I decided to walk around and explore the town of Mystic Falls.

I saw a store and looked inside. I looked through many racks finding numerous outfits.

When I left the store, my hands were full of bags. I had to walk back to the car and put the bags inside. I locked the car and explored more. I visited some antique shops, food store, other interesting places. I really like Mystic Falls, I think I'm gonna stay here awhile.

Before I even knew it, it was dark. I ran into a place called Mystic Grill. I walked inside and I sat down at the bar. This place was amazing. There was a pool table and a bar.

A bartender came up to me and asked,"What would you like to drink?"

"Bourbon, please." the man nodded his head and made the drink. When he handed it to me I drank it. I was eighteen, but thankfully I was able to buy a fake ID from one of my friends so I was able to drink, Thank god! I needed a drink.

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