Chapter 22

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Today Bonnie and I are going to help set up for the ball tonight. We were going to get some supplies when someone bumps into Bonnie and she stopped and looked at him. I looked at who passed and it was Mason.
"Bonnie what happened? Are you ok?" I ask.
"I'm fine. When I bumped that guy. I saw him and Elena kissing."
I was confused when it clicked. Mason is partnered with Katherine. Stefan walk up to us.
"Bonnie, look we need to get Mason and get info out of him." He says.
"No I'm not going to be apart of this mess."
"Bonnie, please. We need you."
"No." she refused.
"Bonnie, whatever Katherine is planning to do with Mason and that moonstone isn't good. It could hurt one of us, it could hurt Elena. Please." Stefan pleaded.
She thought for a moment and gave in. So we made a plan and went into action.
I went to grab a table. I tried to pick it up, but it was too heavy. Mason came by and helped me. Right then, Bonnie came out and and started to chant words softly. Mason dropped the table and grabbed his head. he groaned in pain. Stefan came out and picked him up. He dragged him to the car. I tied him up and opened the trunk. Stefan threw him in and closed the trunk. Bonnie had already made it in the car. Stefan and I jumped in and drove off.
Once we made it, Elena was there. We carried Mason inside and Bonnie and I tied him up. Bonnie put her hands on his head and chanted words. A few minutes later she let go.
"The moonstone is in the Lockwood well. I'll go get it."
"Stefan and I will come to." Elena says.
They left and that Damon and I were left with Mason. Damon started to poke Mason with a hot poker. we get Masons attention and Damon immediately asks for info about Katherine. Mason didn't answer. Damon slowly stabbed him with the poker asking again.
"Your not going to get any information out of me." Mason says calmly which only made Damon stab him harder and deeper. He groaned in pain.
"Just tell us what you know, Mason." I say.
He shakes his head.
Jeremy came into the room with a bag of some kind of plant. "I found this wolfsbane. Maybe it'll help get information out of him. It's toxic to wolves."

Damon grabs it out of Jeremy's hands and stuffs some in Masons mouth. Mason started choking on it. He started spitting it out. He yelled in pain.
"Tell us." Damon demanded.
"No." Damon shoved more into his mouth. Mason couldn't handle the pain anymore. "Okay okay. I gave Katherine the stone so she could break the curse. There I said it. And we love each other." Damon laughed.
"Katherine doesn't love you. She only loves herself. She only uses people to get what she wants. Once she gets what she wants, she'll rip your heart out. So why don't I do it for her." Right in an instant Damon pulled Masons heart out.
"Damon! Why did you kill him?" I ask.
"We got all the info we needed. He's basically useless." I rolled my eyes. Damon grabs Masons phone from his pocket and dials a number.
"Who are you calling" I ask. He put his finger to his mouth telling me to be quiet. I come close enough the hear the conversation.
"So did your plan succeed?" I hear. Katherine.
"Let me just tell you that Mason is dead. Your plan is now useless."
"Damon, what makes you think that I don't have other people to help me with my plan, that I don't have a plan b or a plan c. I'm not done. You better watch your back." she hangs up the phone.
"Damon your an idiot." I say.
My phone then rings. I answer it. "Hello?"
"Emily." it was Elena. "Jenna's in the hospital."
"What?!" I look at Damon and I know he heard. "What happened?"
"Katherine compelled her to stab herself." I look at Damon with a 'you messed up' face.
"Is she alright?"
"Yes but Katherine isn't going to stop. She's going to keep killing people that love. I don't want to lose anyone else."
"Elena, it's gonna be ok. We are not gonna let that happen."
"I got to go." Elena hangs up.
I look at Damon. "I know I know. I heard you the first time. I messed up."
"Katherine is attacking people that we care about. Jenna's in the hospital. Who's gonna be next?"
"I'll fix it."
"You better."
Damon leaves and I'm left at home. I lay on the couch in the living room and close my eyes.
How and why did I ever get in this mess? I'm gonna get myself killed or someone I love is gonna get killed. I don't know how I'm gonna live if that happens.
The front door closes and Stefan walks into the room. He sits on the couch next to my feet. I sit up and scoot next to him.
"Are you ok?" I ask. I put my arm around him.
"I don't know. Jenna's in the hospital because of Katherine. She knows that Elena and I are still together. I know how this is gonna end."
"It's gonna be alright, Stefan. I will do anything to protect Elena. I would risk my life for her if that meant you were happy. I know we've only known each other for a short period of time but you didn't let Damon kill me. I'm alive because of you. I was a random human being and you saved me. I owe you one big time."
"Thanks, Emily." He hugs me back. The front door shut again and Elena came in the room.

"Stefan, we need to talk." I left the room, but I stayed close where I could hear.

"Stefan-." Elena starts but was cut off.

"I know what your gonna say."

"Let me just explain. Katherine figured it out. She's not gonna stop. I'm sorry, but we can't be together."

"Please, Elena."

"Stefan please don't make this harder than it has to be." I could tell Stefan and Elena were crying. Elena left and I walked up to Stefan. I hugged him while he cried.

"I'm hear for you, Stefan." I whisper as I rub his back.

"I need to go." Stefan left in a flash.
Sorry that I haven't updated. My wifi wasn't working for the most longest time and I couldn't update. We finally got it fixed so now I can update.
Thanks for the almost 500 reads! You guys are amazing!
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