Chapter 7

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Stefan walked me to my room and laid me in my bed. He sat at the edge if the bed. "Here drink my blood." he bit his wrist and gave me his arm.
"No, Stefan I'm not drink your blood."
"It's the only way you'll heal faster. Please." I didn't want to, but something told me to do it.
"Ok. Fine." I looked at his wrist and the bit was gone.
"Vampires heal fast."
"Oh." was all I said. He bit his wrist again and put to my mouth and I felt the liquid going down my throat. Soon it stopped and his wrist was healed.
"Your neck and arm should be good by tomorrow."
"Thank you again, Stefan."
"No problem, Emily. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." he said before he walked out and left. I closed my eyes falling into deep sleep.
~The Next Morning~
I woke up feeling a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my phone seeing Stefan calling me. I answered," Hello."
"Were you sleeping?" he chuckled.
"Yeah. What's up?" I close my eyes feeling myself going to sleep again.
"Well a few friends and I are going to hang out at the grill today. Would you like to come?"
"When?" I asked tiredly.
"Around 2 o'clock."
"What time is it?"
"1:30. So get up, lazy."
"Alright. Let me just lay here for a minute and....I'll...get...ready." I closed my eyes falling asleep.
~Few Minutes Later~
"Emily wake up. C'mon wake up." someone said shaking me.
I groaned opening one eye seeing Stefan smiling. I smiled saying,"Morning."
"Morning,sleeping beauty. It's time to wake."
"No. It's so early." I whine.
"It's 2:15."
"Wait! Aren't you supposed to be at the grill."
"Yep and you too. I told everyone I'd come get you."
"Ok. I'll be ready in a minute."
I get up off my bed.
"I'll be waiting downstairs." he walks out the room and I get changed. I leave my hair down and brush my teeth. I make my way downstairs seeing Stefan texting on his phone.
"Are you ready?" he asked standing up.
"Yes. Let's go."
We walk out and enter Stefan's car. He drives out of the driveway and to the grill.
"So Stefan how long have you lived in Mystic Falls?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Not long actually. I recently moved a few months ago."
We were silent for awhile. "Where did you live before you moved to Mystic Falls?" he asked.
"When I lived with my parents, I lived in New York. But when I left, I lived in a hotel in New Jersey."
"You went a long way, about three maybe four states."
"Yeah it was a long journey."
"Why Mystic Falls? I mean why didn't you pick somewhere closer to New York."
"Well I did to want to be in the same state as everyone else and I wanted to go somewhere far and small. Somewhere where no one would expect."
"That makes sense."
We made it to the grill and Stefan introduced me."Emily this is Elena, my girlfriend." Elena was beautiful. She had straight brown hair and brown eyes. She has the most prettiest smile. "Bonnie." Bonnie had green eyes and dark curly brown hair. Bonnie was the girl who gave me the bracelet. "Caroline." she was blonde with blue eyes and seemed perky. "Matt, Caroline's boyfriend." He was blonde with blue eyes. "this is Tyler." this guy had black hair and brown eyes. he seemed more on the serious side, but he gave me a friendly smile.
"Hi." I say.
The girls talked while the guys plays pool.
"So Emily, how long have you known Stefan?" Elena asked.
"Only for about three or four days."
"You recently moved didn't you?" Bonnie asked.
"Yes. I met Stefan and Damon on the first day."
"So Caroline, how are you and Matt?" Elena asked Caroline.
"I don't know, I feel like he still likes you, Elena."
"Well I have Stefan. Matt and I did date, we aren't anymore. He is going to move on soon."
An awkward silence feel soon us and I just watched the guys play pool. Stefan caught my eye and smiled, which I returned.
The night went by faster than I expected. I had fun with the girls and guys. I really did like Elena. I told her about the situation between me and life in New York. She comforted me. They all did. I am happy I moved here. I really can start a life right here.
We all said our 'goodbyes' and went our separate ways. When I walked out, I heard Elena and Stefan talking. I hated being nosy, but one word caught my attention.
"What's wrong, Stefan?"
"Yesterday, I was with Emily and we were attacked. There are more vampires around."
"You don't think they escaped the tomb, do you?"
"I hope not. They will come back for revenge."
"We need to do something, Stefan."
"I know, Elena, Damon and I are trying to figure out a plan."
"Well I need to be getting home. I'll see you tomorrow."
They kissed and Elena walked away.
Stefan looked my way,"You ready to go home?" He asked.
"Yes." we walked to his car and he drive to my place.
I didn't want to ask about what they were talking about, but i couldn't hold it in."Stefan, what tomb were you and Elena talking about."
"Um, it's not important."
"Stefan. Please tell me." I beg.
"Back in 1864 when Damon and I weren't vampires, we fell in love with a girl named Katherine and she was a vampire. She played us both, making us think that she loved us. We were stupid enough to fall for her game. Anyways one day, she was captured by my dad and other humans. They found out about her and they took her. Damon and I tried to save her, but we failed. All the vampires were burned in a church. The next morning we found out that we were transforming into vampires. So now that he knew that the tomb could be opened, Damon thought that he was going to find Katherine in there. Once we found out that Bonnie and her grandma were witches we asked them to help us. They used a spell to open the tomb and Katherine wasn't in there. When Bonnie and her grandma used a spell to close the tomb, Bonnie's grandma passed out. That night Bonnie's grandma died. We think that those vampires escaped that tomb."
"So that's why Bonnie gave me the bracelet to protect me. She doesn't trust you guys anymore."
We made it to my house and Stefan dropped me off. I walked into my house crashing on the couch. I was to exhausted to go to my room. As bad as I wanted to go to my warm,cozy bed, I was too comfortable. I closed my tired eyes and let the sleep take me away.

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